Додатак:Грчки број и мере
[уреди]multiples | fractions | ||||||
10e+1 | deka- | δεκα- • | da | 10e-1 | deci- | δεκατο- • | d |
10e+2 | hecto- | εκατό- • | h | 10e-2 | centi- | εκατοστο- • | c |
10e+3 | kilo- | χιλιό- •, κιλο- • | k | 10e-3 | milli- | χιλιοστο- • | m |
10e+6 | mega- | μεγα- • | M | 10e-6 | micro- | μικρο- • | μ |
10e+9 | giga- | γιγα- • | G | 10e-9 | nano- | νανο- • | n |
10e+12 | tera- | τερα- • | T | 10e-12 | pico- | πικο- • | p |
10e+15 | peta- | πετα- • | P | 10e-15 | femto- | φεμτο- • | f |
10e+18 | exa- | εξα- • | E | 10e-18 | atto- | αττο- • | a |
10e+21 | zetta- | ζεττα- • | Z | 10e-21 | zepto- | ζεπτο- • | z |
10e+24 | yotta- | γιοττα- • | Y | 10e-24 | yocto- | γιοκτο- • | y |
Miscellaneous units of measure
[уреди]Unit | Μονάδα | Symbol† | Quantity | System | Notes |
acre | έικρ • | ac | area | Imperial | = 4840 sq.yd |
ampere, amp | αμπέρ • | A | electrical current | SI base unit | |
angstrom | άνγκστρομ • | Å | length | = 10-10 metre | |
are | άριο • | a | area | accepted SI | = 1/100 hectare |
astronomical unit | αστρονομική μονάδα • | au, ua | length | astronomy | = 149.6 x 109 m |
bar | μπαρ • | bar | atmospheric pressure | non-SI | 105 Pa |
becquerel | μπεκερέλ • | Bq | radioactive activity | SI derived unit | |
cable length | ναυτικό στάδιο • | length (nautical) | international | = 185.2m = 1/10 nautical mile | |
calorie, gramcalorie | θερμίδα •γραμμοθερμίδα • | energy | non-SI | = 4.184 Joule | |
calorie, kilocalorie | θερμίδα •χιλιοθερμίδα • | energy | non-SI | = 4.184 kJoule | |
candela | κηρίο •, καντέλα • | cd | luminous intensity | SI base unit | |
carat | καράτι • | ct | mass | = 1/5 g | |
centimetre | εκατοστόμετρο • | cm | length | CGS | = 1/100 m |
centimetre per second | εκατοστόμετρο ανά δευτερόλεπτο | cm/s | velocity | CGS | |
coulomb | κουλόμπ • | C | electrical charge | SI derived | |
degree | μοίρα • | ° | plane angle | SI accepted | = 1/360 rotation |
degree Celsius | βαθμός Κελσίου • | °C | temperature | SI derived | see also: kelvin |
degree Fahrenheit | βαθμός ΡΦαρενάιτ • | °F | temperature | ||
degree Reaumur | βαθμός Ρεωμύρου • | °R | temperature | ||
drachm, dram, dirham | δράμι • | ʒ, ℨ, dr | mass | Greek domestic (< 1959) | = 3.203g = 1/400 οκά |
dyne | dyne | dyn | force | CGS | |
erg | erg | erg | energy | CGS | |
farad | φαράντ • | F | electrical capacitance | SI derived | |
fathom | οργυιά • | length (nautical) | Imperial | = 6ft = 1.8288m | |
foot | πόδι •, πους • | ft | length | Imperial | = 0.3048m exactly |
gal | γκαλ • | Gal | acceleration | CGS | = 1 cm/s/s |
gallon | γαλόνι • | gal | volume | Imperial | = 4.55 litre |
gauss | γκάους • | G, Gs | magnetic flux density | CGS | = 1x10-4 tesla |
gram | γραμμάριο • | g | mass | CGS | |
gray | γκρέυ • | Gy | radiation: absorbed dose | SI derived unit | |
hectare | εκτάριο • | ha | area | SI accepted | = 10,000 m2 |
henry | ανρί • | H | electrical inductance | SI derived | |
hertz | χερτζ • | Hz | frequency | SI derived unit | = 1 cycle/s |
inch | ίντσα • | in | length | Imperial | = 25.4 mm exactly |
joule | τζάουλ • | J | energy | SI derived | = 1x107 erg |
kartezini | καρτεζίνι • | mass | Greek | = 115g = 36 δράμια | |
katal | κατάλ • | kat | catalytic activity | SI derived unit | = 1 mol/s |
"katostari" | κατοστάρι • | mass | Greek | = 100 δράμια • = 1/4 οκά • | |
kayser | K | wavenumber | CGS | ||
kelvin | κέλβιν • | K | thermodynamic temperature | SI base unit | |
kilogram, kilo | χιλιόγραμμο •, κιλό • | kg, χγρ. • | mass | SI | |
kilotonne | χιλιότονο • | kt, Tg | mass | = 1000 kg | |
kilowatt | κιλοβάτ • | kW | electrical power | derived | |
kilowatt-hour | κιλοβατώρα • | kWh | electrical energy | derived | |
knot | κόμβος • | kn, kt | velocity | SI accepted | = 1.852 km/hr |
light year | έτος φωτός • | ly | length | astronomy | = 9.4607 x 1015 m |
litre | λίτρο • | l | volume | SI accepted | |
lumen | λούμεν • | lm | luminous flux | SI derived unit | |
lux | λουξ •, lux • | lx | illuminance | SI derived | |
maxwell | μάξγουελ • | Mx | magnetic flux | CGS | = 10-8 weber |
metre | μέτρο • | m | length | SI base unit | |
mho (reciprocal ohm) | mho • | Ω-1 | electrical conductance | obsolete | = 1 siemens |
micrometre | μικρόμετρο • | μm | length | SI derived | = micron |
micron | μικρόν • | μm, μ | length | SI derived | = micrometre |
mile | μίλι • | mi | length | Imperial | = 1760yd = 1.609344km |
mina | μνα • | mass | historical | = 500g approx. | |
minute | λεπτό • | m | time | SI accepted | |
μόδιο • | volume/mass | used for olives | |||
mole | μολ • | mol | amount of substance | SI base unit | |
nautical mile | ναυτικό μίλι • | M, NM, nmi | length (nautical) | SI derived | = 1852m |
newton | νιούτον • | N | force | SI derived | |
oersted | [Терм?] | magnetising field | CGS | = 1 dyne per maxwell | |
ohm | ωμ • | Ω | electrical resistance | SI derived | |
oka | οκά • | mass | Greek domestic (< 1959) | = 1.281kg = 400 δράμια • | |
ounce | ουγγιά • | oz | mass | Imperial | = 28.35g |
parsec | παρσέκ • | pc | length | astronomy | = 3.0857 x 1016 m |
pascal | πασκάλ • | Pa | pressure, stress | SI derived unit | = 1 Nm-2 |
phot | ph | illuminance | CGS | = 10000 lux | |
plethron | πλέθρο • | length | Greek historical | 1/6 stadion = 30m approx | |
poise | πουάζ • | P | viscosity | CGS | |
pound | λίβρα • | lb | mass | Imperial | 453.58g |
radian | ακτίνιο • | rad | angle | SI | = 360/2π = 57.3deg approx |
second | δευτερόλεπτο • | s | time | SI base unit, CGS | = 1/60 min |
siemens | ζήμενς • | S | electrical conductance | SI derived | |
sievert | σίβερτ • | Sv | radiation dose | SI derived unit | |
stadion | στάδιο • | length | Greek historical | = 150-200 m | |
steradian | στερακτίνιο • | sr | solid angle | SI derived | = sphere/4π |
stilb | sb | luminance | CGS | = 1 candela/cm2 | |
stokes | St | kinematic viscosity | CGS | ||
stremma | στρέμμα • | area | Greek | = 1/10 hectare | |
tesla | τέσλα • | T | magnetic flux density | SI derived | |
talent | τάλαντο • | weight | historical | range = 25-60 kg | |
tonne | τόνος • | t | weight | SI derived | = 1,000 kg |
volt | βολτ • | V | electrical potential | SI derived | |
watt | βατ • | W | power | SI derived | |
weber | βέμπερ • | Wb | magnetic flux | SI derived | |
yard | γιάρδα • | yd | length | Imperial | = 0.9144 m |
- † In Greek technical writing it is usual to use the Roman characters.
Further reading
[уреди]- "Metric methods" (English and Greek)
Greek numerals на Википедији.Википедији
Greek numerals на the Грчки Википедији.Википедији el
numerals на the Грчки Википедији.Википедији el