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Такође погледајте: Five



Од Енглески five.




  1. (international standards) NATO & ICAO phonetic alphabet code for the numeral 5.
    Синоним: pantafive (ITU/IMO)


  1. Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation: Aeronautical Telecommunications; Volume II Communication Procedures including those with PANS status[1], 6th edition, International Civil Aviation Organization, October 2001, retrieved 23 January 2019, page §


Енглески Wikipedia has an article on:
Енглески numbers (edit)
 ←  4 5 6  → 
    Cardinal: five
    Ordinal: fifth
    Multiplier: quintuple, fivefold
    Distributive: quintuply

Alternative forms

  • Arabic numerals: 5 (see for numerical forms in other scripts)
  • Roman numerals: V


PIE реч

Од Средњи Енглески five, vif, fif, од Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Стари Енглески (ang) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en)).., од Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-West Germanic (gmw-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en)).., од Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en)).. (compare West Frisian fiif, Холандски vijf, Немачки fünf, Норвешки и Шведски fem, Icelandic fimm), од Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Indo-European (ine-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en)).. (compare Велшки pump, Латински quinque, Tocharian A päñ, Tocharian B piś, Lithuanian penki, Руски пять (pjatʹ), Албански pesë, pêsë, Антички Грчки πέντε (pénte), Јерменски հինգ (hing), Persian پنج (panj), Санскрт पञ्च (páñca)). Дублети of cinque, punch, pimp, and Pompeii.

The nasal *m in Proto-Germanic *fimf was lost through a sound change known as the Ingvaeonic nasal spirant law.



Five dots


  1. A numerical value equal to 5; the number following four and preceding six.
    • 2006, Donald Ringe, From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic (A Linguistic History of English; 1)‎[2], Oxford: Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 197:
      The r-stems had apparently been reduced to the five nuclear kinship terms that still survive in Modern English.
  2. Describing a group or set with five elements.


See also


five (plural fives)

  1. The digit/figure 5.
    He wrote a five followed by four zeroes.
  2. A banknote with a denomination of five units of currency. See also fiver.
    Can anyone here change a five?
  3. Anything measuring five units, as length.
    All the fives are over there in the corner, next to the fours.
  4. A person who is five years old.
    The fives and sixes will have a snack first, then the older kids.
  5. Five o'clock.
    See you at five.
  6. A short rest, especially one of five minutes.
    Take five, soldier.
  7. (basketball) A basketball team, club or lineup.

Derived terms


Преводе у наставку треба проверити и уметнути изнад у одговарајуће табеле превода. Видите инструкције на Викиречник:Унос § Преводи.

See also

Playing cards in Енглески · playing cards (layout · text)
ace deuce, two three four five six seven
eight nine ten jack, knave queen king joker


  • vife (alphagram efiv)

Middle English

Средњи Енглески numbers (edit)
 ←  4 5 6  → 
    Cardinal: five
    Ordinal: fifte

Alternative forms


From Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Стари Енглески (ang) is not set as an ancestor of Средњи Енглески (enm) in Модул:languages/data/3/e. Средњи Енглески (enm) has no ancestors.., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-West Germanic (gmw-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Средњи Енглески (enm) in Модул:languages/data/3/e. Средњи Енглески (enm) has no ancestors.., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Средњи Енглески (enm) in Модул:languages/data/3/e. Средњи Енглески (enm) has no ancestors.., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Indo-European (ine-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Средњи Енглески (enm) in Модул:languages/data/3/e. Средњи Енглески (enm) has no ancestors...

Though Стари Енглески fīf was usually indeclinable, inflected forms of it are far from unknown. Forms with final -v- originate from intervocalic voicing in these inflected forms.




  1. five


  • Енглески: five
  • Шкотски: five, fif, fife, fyve
  • Yola: veeve




From Средњи Енглески five, from Стари Енглески fīf, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Шкотски (sco) in Модул:languages/data/3/s. The ancestor of Шкотски is Middle Scots (sco-smi) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Шкотски (sco)).., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Indo-European (ine-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Шкотски (sco) in Модул:languages/data/3/s. The ancestor of Шкотски is Middle Scots (sco-smi) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Шкотски (sco))...



cardinal number
5 Претходни: fower
Следећи: sax


  1. five



Од Стари Француски fievre, од Латински febris, од Proto-Italic *feɣʷris, од Proto-Indo-European *dʰegʷʰris. Cognates include Француски fièvre и Norman fièvre.



five f (plural fives)

  1. fever
  2. delirium


  • Simon Stasse (2004) Dictionaire Populaire de Wallon Liegeois[3], Société Royale Littéraire "La Wallonne"