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Енглески Wikipedia has an article on:
Енглески numbers (edit)
 ←  5 6 7  → 
    Cardinal: six
    Ordinal: sixth
    Multiplier: sextuple, sixfold
    Distributive: sextuply



From Средњи Енглески six, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Стари Енглески (ang) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en)).., siex, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en)).., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Indo-European (ine-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en))... Compare West Frisian seis, Холандски zes, Low German söss, sess, Немачки sechs, Норвешки and Дански seks, also Латински sex, Санскрт षष् (ṣaṣ).






  1. A numerical value equal to 6; the number following five and preceding seven. This many dots: (••••••).
  2. Describing a group or set with six elements.

====Derived terms


====Related terms






six (plural sixes)

  1. The digit or figure 6.
  2. (military slang, by ellipsis of six o'clock) Rear, behind (rear side of something).
    cover my six
  3. (cricket, countable) An event whereby a batsman hits a ball which does not bounce before passing over a boundary in the air, resulting in an award of 6 runs for the batting team.
    • Script error: The function "source_t" does not exist.
      Lua грешка in Модул:languages/errorGetBy at line 16: Please specify a language or etymology language code in the first parameter; the value "<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-51fddb02">Script error: The function &quot;first_lang&quot; does not exist.</span></strong>" is not valid (see Wiktionary:List of languages)..
  4. (American football) A touchdown.
  5. (obsolete) Small beer sold at six shillings per barrel.

====Derived terms




The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout#Translations.

===See also


Playing cards in Енглески · playing cards (layout · text)
ace deuce, two three four five six seven
eight nine ten jack, knave queen king joker







From Middle French six, from Стари Француски sis, six, from Латински sex, from Proto-Indo-European *swéḱs.





Француски numbers (edit)
 ←  5 6 7  → 
    Cardinal: six
    Ordinal: sixième
    Multiplier: sextuple

six m (plural six)

  1. six

====Related terms




  • Haitian Creole: sis
  • Louisiana Creole: sis
  • Mauritian Creole: sis

===See also


Playing cards in Француски · cartes à jouer (layout · text)
as deux trois quatre cinq six sept
huit neuf dix valet dame roi joker

===Further reading


Middle English


===Alternative forms




From Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Стари Енглески (ang) is not set as an ancestor of Средњи Енглески (enm) in Модул:languages/data/3/e. Средњи Енглески (enm) has no ancestors.., syx, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Средњи Енглески (enm) in Модул:languages/data/3/e. Средњи Енглески (enm) has no ancestors.., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Indo-European (ine-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Средњи Енглески (enm) in Модул:languages/data/3/e. Средњи Енглески (enm) has no ancestors...





Средњи Енглески numbers (edit)
 ←  5 6 7  → 
    Cardinal: six
    Ordinal: sixte


  1. six

====Related terms




Middle French




From Стари Француски sis, six.



  • IPA(кључ): (in isolation) /sis/, (before a vowel) /siz/, (before a consonant) /si/



six (invariable)

  1. six



  • Француски: six
  • Norman: six


Norman cardinal бројеви
 <  5 6 7  > 
    Cardinal : six
Norman cardinal бројеви
 <  5 6 7  > 
    Cardinal : six



From Латински sex, from Proto-Indo-European *swéḱs.



  • Audio (Jersey):(file)




  1. (Jersey, Guernsey) six


Novial cardinal бројеви
 <  5 6 7  > 
    Cardinal : six
    Ordinal : sixesmi



Lua грешка in Модул:headword at line 644: Entries in Novial must be placed in the Appendix: namespace.

  1. six