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Такође погледајте: ness и Ness


Alternative forms


From Средњи Енглески -nes, -nesse, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Стари Енглески (ang) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en)).., -nes, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-West Germanic (gmw-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en)).., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en))...

This suffix was formed already in Proto-Germanic by false division of the final consonant *-n- of the preceding stem + the actual suffix *-assuz. The latter was in turn derived from an earlier *-at(s)-tuz, from the verbal suffix *-at-janą + the noun suffix *-þuz.




  1. Appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of being (the adjective)", "the quality of being (the adjective)", or "the measure of being (the adjective)".
    calm + ‎-ness → ‎calmness
    dark + ‎-ness → ‎darkness
    kind + ‎-ness → ‎kindness
    one + ‎-ness → ‎oneness
  2. Appended to words of other parts of speech to form nouns (often nonce words or terms in philosophy) meaning the state/quality/measure of the idea represented by these words.
    that + ‎-ness → ‎thatness
    tree + ‎-ness → ‎treeness
    thug + ‎-ness → ‎thugness

Usage notes

  • If an adjective ends in -y, then this changes to -i- when -ness is suffixed. This occurs both when the -y is the suffix -y (having the quality of), as in messmessymessiness (hence -y-i-), but also in other cases, as in comelycomeliness. It does not, however, usually occur when the -y is part of the root, as in spryspryness.
  • Plurals are formed by adding -es, e.g. happinesshappinesses.


Derived terms

Категорија Енглески termм suffixed with -ness није пронађена



Middle English



  1. Alternative form of -nesse

Old English




  1. Alternative form of -nes




Alternative forms


From Средњи Енглески -nes, -nesse, from Стари Енглески -nis, -nes, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-West Germanic (gmw-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Шкотски (sco) in Модул:languages/data/3/s. The ancestor of Шкотски is Middle Scots (sco-smi) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Шкотски (sco))...



  1. Affixed to adjectives to form abstract nouns which denote a quality, state or condition.