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Такође погледајте: Name, NAmE, Nâme, namé, nàme, ñame, näme, и .name


Lua грешка in Модул:interproject at line 62: Parameter "dab" is not used by this template..

Етимологија 1

Од Средњи Енглески name, nome, од Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Стари Енглески (ang) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en)).., noma (name; noun; the particular word used to denote any object of thought not considered in a purely individual character; title; reputation; the reputation of some character or attribute; the mere appellation in contrast or opposition to the actual person or thing), од Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en)).., од Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Indo-European (ine-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en))... Cognate with Шкотски name, naim, nem (name), North Frisian Neem, Naam, nööm, noome (name), Saterland Frisian Noome (name), West Frisian namme (name), Dutch naam (name), Low German Name (name), German Name (name), Danish navn (name), Norwegian Bokmål navn (name), Norwegian Nynorsk namn (name), Шведски namn (name), Icelandic nafn (name), Латински nōmen (name). Дублети of noun. Видите такође neven.

The verb is from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Стари Енглески (ang) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en)).., од Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en)).., derived from the noun.



name (plural names)

  1. Any nounal word or phrase which indicates a particular person, place, class, or thing.
    • Bible, Genesis ii. 19
      Whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
    • Shakespeare
      That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet.
    • 1904, L. Frank Baum, The Marvelous Land of Oz:
      So good a man as this must surely have a name.
    • (deprecated use of |lang= parameter)
      Script error: The function "source_t" does not exist.
      Lua грешка in Модул:languages/errorGetBy at line 16: Please specify a language or etymology language code in the first parameter; the value "<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-51fddb02">Script error: The function &quot;first_lang&quot; does not exist.</span></strong>" is not valid (see Wiktionary:List of languages)..
    I've never liked the name my parents gave me so I changed it at the age of twenty.
  2. Reputation.
  3. An abusive or insulting epithet.
    Stop calling me names!
  4. A person (or legal person).
    • Dryden
      They list with women each degenerate name.
    • Шаблон:post second edition of, 2002, Graham Richards, Putting Psychology in its Place, →ISBN 1841692336, page 287 [3]:
      Later British psychologists interested in this topic include such major names as Cyril Burt, William McDougall, [] .
    • 2008 edition of, 1998, S. B. Budhiraja and M. B. Athreya, Cases in Strategic Management, →ISBN 0074620975 page 79 [4]:
      Would it be able to fight the competition from ITC Agro Tech and Liptons who were ready and able to commit large resources? With such big names as competitors, would this business be viable for Marico?
    • 2009 third edition of, 1998, Martin Mowforth and Ian Munt, Tourism and Sustainability, →ISBN 0203891058, page 29 [5]:
      International non-governmental organisations (INGOs), including such household names as Amnesty International, Greenpeace and [] .
  5. Those of a certain name; a race; a family.
    • Macaulay
      The ministers of the republic, mortal enemies of his name, came every day to pay their feigned civilities.
  6. (computing) A unique identifier, generally a string of characters.
  7. (UK, finance) An investor in Lloyds of London bearing unlimited liability.
  8. Authority.
    Halt in the name of the law!
Derived terms
Derived terms of name that are not hyponyms
  • Sranan Tongo: nen
  • Јапански: ネーム


Lua грешка in Модул:en-headword at line 1145: Legacy parameter 1=STEM no longer supported, just use 'en-verb' without params.

  1. (transitive) To give a name to.
    • 1904, L. Frank Baum, The Land of Oz:
      I will name the fellow 'Jack Pumpkinhead!'
    • 1913, Joseph C. Lincoln, chapter 1, in Mr. Pratt's Patients:
      A chap named Eleazir Kendrick and I had chummed in together the summer afore and built a fish-weir and shanty at Setuckit Point, down Orham way. For a spell we done pretty well.
    One visitor named Hou Yugang said he was not too concerned about climate change and Baishui’s melting.
  2. (transitive) To mention, specify.
    He named his demands.
    You name it!
    • (deprecated use of |lang= parameter)
      Script error: The function "source_t" does not exist.
      Lua грешка in Модул:languages/errorGetBy at line 16: Please specify a language or etymology language code in the first parameter; the value "<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-51fddb02">Script error: The function &quot;first_lang&quot; does not exist.</span></strong>" is not valid (see Wiktionary:List of languages)..
  3. (transitive) To identify as relevant or important
    naming the problem
  4. (transitive) To publicly implicate.
    The painter was named as an accomplice.
  5. (transitive) To designate for a role.
    My neighbor was named to the steering committee.
  6. (transitive, Westminster system politics) To initiate a process to temporarily remove a member of parliament who is breaking the rules of conduct.
    • Script error: The function "source_t" does not exist.
      Lua грешка in Модул:languages/errorGetBy at line 16: Please specify a language or etymology language code in the first parameter; the value "<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-51fddb02">Script error: The function &quot;first_lang&quot; does not exist.</span></strong>" is not valid (see Wiktionary:List of languages)..
Derived terms
Terms derived from name (verb)
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout#Translations.

See also

Etymology 2

Borrowed from Шпански ñame, substituting n for the unfamiliar Spanish letter ñ.


name (plural names)

  1. Any of several types of true yam (Dioscorea) used in Caribbean Spanish cooking.





  1. множине of naam

Central Malay


Borrowed from Санскрт नामन् (nāman).



  1. name





  1. (Tredici Comuni) name






  1. (archaic) singular past subjunctive of nemen


Eastern Arrernte



  1. grass





  1. Rōmaji transcription of なめ



Borrowed from Lua грешка in Модул:parameters at line 290: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "ku" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E...


  • Lua грешка in Модул:IPA at line 94: Must now supply a table of arguments to format_IPA_full(); first argument should be that table, not a language object.


Lua грешка in Модул:parameters at line 290: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "ku" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E..Lua грешка in Модул:parameters at line 290: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "ku" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E..

  1. letter (a document)



name m

  1. (deprecated use of |lang= parameter) Lua грешка in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:form of/lang-data/lt' not found.
  2. (deprecated use of |lang= parameter) Lua грешка in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:form of/lang-data/lt' not found.

Middle Dutch

Etymology 1

From Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Old Dutch (odt) is not set as an ancestor of Middle Dutch (dum) in Модул:languages/data/3/d. Middle Dutch (dum) has no ancestors.., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Middle Dutch (dum) in Модул:languages/data/3/d. Middle Dutch (dum) has no ancestors...


nāme m or f

  1. name
  2. fame, reputation

Овај noun захтева inflection-table template.

Derived terms

Etymology 2

From Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Old Dutch (odt) is not set as an ancestor of Middle Dutch (dum) in Модул:languages/data/3/d. Middle Dutch (dum) has no ancestors.., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Middle Dutch (dum) in Модул:languages/data/3/d. Middle Dutch (dum) has no ancestors...


nâme f

  1. taking
  2. receiving

Овај noun захтева inflection-table template.

  • Dutch: name (mostly in compounds)

Further reading

  • “name”, in Vroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek[6], 2000
  • “name (I)”, in Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek[7], 1929
  • “name (II)”, in Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek[8], 1929

Middle English

Alternative forms


From Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Стари Енглески (ang) is not set as an ancestor of Средњи Енглески (enm) in Модул:languages/data/3/e. Средњи Енглески (enm) has no ancestors...



name (plural names or namen)

  1. name





  1. (deprecated use of |lang= parameter) датива једнине of nam



Compare Lua грешка in Модул:languages at line 711: attempt to index local 'sc' (a nil value)..


  • (deprecated use of |lang= parameter) Lua грешка in Модул:languages/doSubstitutions at line 80: Substitution data 'zza-sortkey' does not match an existing module..


Lua грешка in Модул:languages/doSubstitutions at line 80: Substitution data 'zza-sortkey' does not match an existing module..

  1. name
  2. reputation



ВикицитатиШаблон:Little lady I

Проширени садржај


  • Италијански: [1] it it
  • Португалски: [1] pt pt
  • Украјински: [1] uk uk
  • Ток Писин:nem


Шаблон:Little lady I

Ох, Мој понизно спусти главу, изађе брзо кроз врата, па се исто тако брзо врати са остатком Форестове опреме за облачење, помажући му да обуче поткошуљу и кошуљу, пребацајући му машну око врата да је (сам) свеже, а клечећи, навуче му доколенице и мамузе. Шешир (а ла) Баден Пауел и јахачки корбач употпуњавали су његову опрему - корбач је био индијански, плетен од сирове животињске коже, са десет унца олова утканог у задњи део, који му је висио са ручног зглоба на једној кожној закачки.

