Додатак:Римски бројеви

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The Roman numerals are certain Latin script letters that may be used to represent numbers.


The Roman numerals are a numerical system composed of seven Latin letters. They are, in this order, from lower to higher: I, V, X, L, C, D and M.

Each said symbol represents a different number, in this order: one, five, ten, fifty, one hundred, five hundred and one thousand. There is no symbol to represent a null quantity. It is possible to represent numbers different from these, through combinations of letters, such as XIII, MMMMCCV and MCMXCIX. A combination is made of smaller groups of letters, each group in increasing order from right to left. The whole combination represents a number.

When there are two letters together, each of them are worth powers of ten and the second letter is worth ten times the first, the value of this group is equal to the second letter subtracted by the first letter. Therefore, IX represents nine, XC represents ninety and CM represents nine hundred. By extension, XCIX represents ninety nine.

The numerical values of the symbols I, X, C and M are added if written up to three times together. Therefore, The the number III represents three and the number MM represents two thousand.

A macron multiplies the value of a group of letters by one thousand. Therefore, IV represents four thousand.

Usage notes[уреди]

The Arabic numerals are widely known and widely used in many languages, including English.

Roman numerals are essentially known as uppercase letters: I, V, X, L, C, D and M. However, it is possible to use lowercase letters: i, v, x, l, c, d and m. Lowercase Roman numerals are often seen as page numbers for materials prefatory to the beginning of the main body of a work.

There are additional characters from Unicode, specifically designated as Roman numerals. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and , , , , , , , , , .

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Листа бројева[уреди]

For information about number names in English, see Додатак:Енглески бројеви.

English meaning Arabic numerals Roman numerals Roman numerals
Unicode single characters
zero 0 - -
one 1 I, i ,
two 2 II, ii ,
three 3 III, iii ,
four 4 IV, iv ,
five 5 V, v ,
six 6 VI, vi ,
seven 7 VII, vii ,
eight 8 VIII, viii ,
nine 9 IX, ix ,
ten 10 X, x ,
eleven 11 XI, xi ,
twelve 12 XII, xii ,
fifty 50 L, l ,
one hundred 100 C, c ,
five hundred 500 D, d ,
one thousand 1,000 M, m , ,
five thousand 5,000 V
ten thousand 10,000 X
fifty thousand 50,000 L
one hundred thousand 100,000 C

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