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Енглески Wikipedia has an article on:

Alternative forms


Од Средњи Енглески winter, од Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Стари Енглески (ang) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en)).., од Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Енглески (en) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Енглески is Early Modern English (en-ear) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Енглески (en))... Cognate with West Frisian winter (winter), Холандски winter (winter), Немачки Winter (winter), Дански, Шведски and Норвешки vinter (winter), Icelandic vetur (winter).


  • (RP) IPA(кључ): /ˈwɪntə/
  • enPR: wĭnʹtər, IPA(кључ): /ˈwɪntɚ/, [ˈwɪɾ̃ɚ], [ˈwɪntʰɚ], [ˈwɪnɚ]
  • Audio (GA); [ˈwɪntʰɚ]:(file)
  • Audio (Canada, rare); [ˈwɪnɚ]:(file)
  • Homophone: winner (US, Canada, some dialects)
  • Хифенација: win‧ter
  • Риме: -ɪntə(ɹ)


winter (countable and uncountable, plural winters)

Winter in Austria
  1. Traditionally the fourth of the four seasons, typically regarded as being from December to February in continental regions of the Northern Hemisphere or the months of June, July, and August in the Southern Hemisphere. It is the time when the sun is lowest in the sky, resulting in short days, and the time of year with the lowest atmospheric temperatures for the region.
    • a1420, The British Museum Additional MS, 12,056, “Wounds complicated by the Dislocation of a Bone”, in Robert von Fleischhacker, editor, Lanfranc's "Science of cirurgie."[1], London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co, translation of original by Lanfranc of Milan, published 1894, →ISBN, page 63:
      Ne take noon hede to brynge togidere þe parties of þe boon þat is to-broken or dislocate, til viij. daies ben goon in þe wyntir, & v. in þe somer; for þanne it schal make quytture, and be sikir from swellynge; & þanne brynge togidere þe brynkis eiþer þe disiuncture after þe techynge þat schal be seid in þe chapitle of algebra.
    • 1592, Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part 1:
      And after summer evermore succeeds
      Barren winter, with his wrathful nipping cold.
    • Шаблон:RQ:Browne Pseudodoxia Epidemica
    • 1785, William Cowper, “Tirocinium: or, A Review of Schools." in The Poems of William Cowper, Vol. II., The Press of C. Whittingham (1822), page 174:
      There shall he learn, ere sixteen winters old,
      That [...]
    • Script error: The function "source_t" does not exist.
      Lua грешка in Модул:languages/errorGetBy at line 16: Please specify a language or etymology language code in the first parameter; the value "<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-51fddb02">Script error: The function &quot;first_lang&quot; does not exist.</span></strong>" is not valid (see Wiktionary:List of languages)..
  2. (figurative, poetic) The period of decay, old age, death, or the like.
    • 1814, William Wordsworth, The Excursion:
      Life's autumn past, I stand on winter's verge.
    • Script error: The function "source_t" does not exist.
      Lua грешка in Модул:languages/errorGetBy at line 16: Please specify a language or etymology language code in the first parameter; the value "<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-51fddb02">Script error: The function &quot;first_lang&quot; does not exist.</span></strong>" is not valid (see Wiktionary:List of languages)..
  3. (countable, fashion) Someone with dark skin, eyes and hair, seen as best suited to certain colors of clothing.
  4. (obsolete) An appliance to be fixed on the front of a grate, to keep a kettle warm, etc.
  5. (India, archaic) The rainy season.
    • 1584, Barret, in Hakl. ii. 413
      Note that the Citie of Goa is the principall place of all the Oriental India, and the winter thus beginneth the 15 of May, with very great raine.
    • 1610, Finch, in Purchas, i. 423
      The Winter heere beginneth about the first of Iune and dureth till the twentieth of September, but not with continuall raines as at Goa, but for some sixe or seuen dayes every change and full, with much wind, thunder and raine.
    • 1678, Fryer, 410
      In Winter (when they rarely stir) they have a Mumjama, or Wax Cloth to throw over it []
    • 1770,—Raynal, tr. 1777, i. 34
      The mere breadth of these mountains divides summer from winter, that is to say, the season of fine weather from the rainy [] all that is meant by winter in India is the time of the year when the clouds [] are driven violently by the winds against the mountains, []

Usage notes

Шаблон:season name spelling


Derived terms


See also



winter (third-person singular simple present winters, present participle wintering, simple past and past participle wintered)

  1. (intransitive) To spend the winter (in a particular place).
    When they retired, they hoped to winter in Florida.
    • Script error: The function "source_t" does not exist.
      Lua грешка in Модул:languages/errorGetBy at line 16: Please specify a language or etymology language code in the first parameter; the value "<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-51fddb02">Script error: The function &quot;first_lang&quot; does not exist.</span></strong>" is not valid (see Wiktionary:List of languages)..
  2. (transitive) To store something (for instance animals) somewhere over winter to protect it from cold.

Derived terms





From Холандски winter, from Middle Dutch winter, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Old Dutch (odt) is not set as an ancestor of Африкански (af) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Африкански is Холандски (nl).., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Африкански (af) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Африкански is Холандски (nl)...



winter (plural winters)

  1. winter

See also


Alemannic German

Alternative forms


From Middle High German winter, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Old High German (goh) is not set as an ancestor of Alemannic German (gsw) in Модул:languages/data/3/g. The ancestor of Alemannic German is Middle High German (gmh).., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Alemannic German (gsw) in Модул:languages/data/3/g. The ancestor of Alemannic German is Middle High German (gmh)... Cognate with Немачки Winter, Холандски winter, Енглески winter, Шведски vinter.


winter m

  1. (Issime, Carcoforo) winter

See also





From Middle Dutch winter, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Old Dutch (odt) is not set as an ancestor of Холандски (nl) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Холандски is Middle Dutch (dum).., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Холандски (nl) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Холандски is Middle Dutch (dum)...



winter m (plural winters, diminutive wintertje n)

  1. winter
    De winter van dat jaar was bijzonder koud.The winter of that year was exceptionally cold.
    Kinderen speelden in de sneeuw tijdens de winter.Children played in the snow during the winter.
    Het wintertje was mild en aangenaam.The short winter was mild and pleasant.

Derived terms


  • Африкански: winter
  • Negerhollands: winter
  • Sranan Tongo: wenter

See also

Middle Dutch


From Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Old Dutch (odt) is not set as an ancestor of Middle Dutch (dum) in Модул:languages/data/3/d. Middle Dutch (dum) has no ancestors.., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Middle Dutch (dum) in Модул:languages/data/3/d. Middle Dutch (dum) has no ancestors...


winter m

  1. winter


Овај noun захтева inflection-table template.

Derived terms


Further reading

  • “winter”, in Vroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek[2], 2000
  • “winter”, in Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek[3], 1929

Middle English

Alternative forms


From Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Стари Енглески (ang) is not set as an ancestor of Средњи Енглески (enm) in Модул:languages/data/3/e. Средњи Енглески (enm) has no ancestors.., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-West Germanic (gmw-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Средњи Енглески (enm) in Модул:languages/data/3/e. Средњи Енглески (enm) has no ancestors.., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Средњи Енглески (enm) in Модул:languages/data/3/e. Средњи Енглески (enm) has no ancestors...



winter (plural wintres)

  1. winter



See also


Old Dutch


From Proto-Germanic *wintruz.


winter m

  1. winter


Овај noun захтева inflection-table template.


Further reading

Old English


From earlier *wintr < *wintru, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Стари Енглески (ang) in Модул:languages/data/3/a. Стари Енглески (ang) has no ancestors... Cognate with Old Frisian winter, Old Saxon wintar, Old Dutch winter, Old High German wintar, Old Norse vetr, Готски 𐍅𐌹𐌽𐍄𐍂𐌿𐍃 (wintrus).



winter m

  1. winter
  2. year


Derived terms


  • Средњи Енглески: winter

See also




From Средњи Енглески winter, from Стари Енглески winter, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Шкотски (sco) in Модул:languages/data/3/s. The ancestor of Шкотски is Middle Scots (sco-smi) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Шкотски (sco))...


winter (plural winters)

  1. winter

West Frisian


From Old Frisian winter, from Proto-Germanic *wintruz.



winter c (plural winters, diminutive winterke)

  1. winter

Derived terms

See also


Further reading

  • “winter”, in Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal[4] (in Холандски), 2011

continental regions of the Northern Hemisphere or the months of June, July and August in the Southern Hemisphere. It is the time when the sun is lowest in the sky, resulting in short days, and the time of year with the lowest atmospheric temperatures for the region.

    • a1420, The British Museum Additional MS, 12,056, “Wounds complicated by the Dislocation of a Bone”, in Robert von Fleischhacker, editor, Lanfranc's "Science of cirurgie."[5], London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co, translation of original by Lanfranc of Milan, published 1894, →ISBN, page 63:
      Ne take noon hede to brynge togidere þe parties of þe boon þat is to-broken or dislocate, til viij. daies ben goon in þe wyntir, & v. in þe somer; for þanne it schal make quytture, and be sikir from swellynge; & þanne brynge togidere þe brynkis eiþer þe disiuncture after þe techynge þat schal be seid in þe chapitle of algebra.
    • 1592, Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part 1:
      And after summer evermore succeeds / Barren winter, with his wrathful nipping cold.
    • Шаблон:RQ:Browne Pseudodoxia Epidemica
    • 1785, William Cowper, “Tirocinium: or, A Review of Schools." in The Poems of William Cowper, Vol. II., The Press of C. Whittingham (1822), page 174:
      There shall he learn, ere sixteen winters old, / That [...]
    • 1897, William Morris, The Water of the Wondrous Isles, Vol. I, Longmans, Green and Co. (1914), page 2:
      [...] a woman, tall, and strong of aspect, of some thirty winters by seeming, [...]
  1. (figurative, poetic) The period of decay, old age, death, or the like.
    • (Can we date this quote?), William Wordsworth, (Please provide the book title or journal name):
      Life's autumn past, I stand on winter's verge.
  2. (obsolete) An appliance to be fixed on the front of a grate, to keep a kettle warm, etc.

Usage notes

Шаблон:season name spelling


Derived terms


See also



winter (third-person singular simple present winters, present participle wintering, simple past and past participle wintered)

  1. (intransitive) To spend the winter (in a particular place).
    When they retired, they hoped to winter in Florida.
  2. (transitive) To store something (for instance animals) somewhere over winter to protect it from cold.

Derived terms





From Холандски winter.


winter (plural winters)

  1. winter

Alemannic German

Alternative forms


From Middle High German winter, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Old High German (goh) is not set as an ancestor of Alemannic German (gsw) in Модул:languages/data/3/g. The ancestor of Alemannic German is Middle High German (gmh).., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Alemannic German (gsw) in Модул:languages/data/3/g. The ancestor of Alemannic German is Middle High German (gmh)... Cognate with Немачки Winter, Холандски winter, Енглески winter, Шведски vinter.


winter m

  1. (Issime, Carcoforo) winter

See also





From Middle Dutch winter, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Old Dutch (odt) is not set as an ancestor of Холандски (nl) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Холандски is Middle Dutch (dum).., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Холандски (nl) in Модул:languages/data/2. The ancestor of Холандски is Middle Dutch (dum)...



winter m (plural winters, diminutive wintertje n)

  1. winter


See also

Middle Dutch


From Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Old Dutch (odt) is not set as an ancestor of Middle Dutch (dum) in Модул:languages/data/3/d. Middle Dutch (dum) has no ancestors.., from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Middle Dutch (dum) in Модул:languages/data/3/d. Middle Dutch (dum) has no ancestors...


winter m

  1. winter


Овај noun захтева inflection-table template.

Derived terms


Further reading

  • “winter”, in Vroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek[6], 2000
  • “winter”, in Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek[7], 1929

Middle English

Alternative forms


From Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Стари Енглески (ang) is not set as an ancestor of Средњи Енглески (enm) in Модул:languages/data/3/e. Средњи Енглески (enm) has no ancestors..; in turn from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Средњи Енглески (enm) in Модул:languages/data/3/e. Средњи Енглески (enm) has no ancestors...



winter (plural winteres or winters)

  1. winter


See also


Old Dutch


From Proto-Germanic *wintruz.


winter m

  1. winter


Овај noun захтева inflection-table template.


Further reading

Old English

Alternative forms


From earlier *wintr < *wintru, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Стари Енглески (ang) in Модул:languages/data/3/a. Стари Енглески (ang) has no ancestors... Cognate with Old Frisian winter, Old Saxon wintar, Old Dutch winter, Old High German wintar, Old Norse vetr, Готски 𐍅𐌹𐌽𐍄𐍂𐌿𐍃 (wintrus).



winter m

  1. winter
  2. year


Derived terms


  • Средњи Енглески: winter

See also




From Средњи Енглески winter, from Стари Енглески winter, from Lua грешка in Модул:etymology at line 156: Proto-Germanic (gem-pro) is not set as an ancestor of Шкотски (sco) in Модул:languages/data/3/s. The ancestor of Шкотски is Middle Scots (sco-smi) (an etymology-only language whose regular parent is Шкотски (sco))...


winter (plural winters)

  1. winter

West Frisian


From Old Frisian winter, from Proto-Germanic *wintruz.



winter c (plural winters, diminutive winterke)

  1. winter

Derived terms

Further reading

  • “winter”, in Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal[8] (in Холандски), 2011


IPA: [...]  
Аудио: noicon(датотека)

Морфолошке варијације:

winter, множина: winters

Значења: {{{1}}}

[1] зима



  • Бошњачки:
  • Есперанто:
  • Италијански:
  • Македонски:
  • Немачки:
  • Руски:
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  • Француски:
  • Хрватски:
  • Шпански:

Сродни чланци са Википедије:

[1] winter

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