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Такође погледајте: Lego, LEGO, legó, legò, leĝo, и -lego



lego (countable and uncountable, plural legos)

  1. Alternative letter-case form of Lego




From Енглески let go.



  1. (transitive) to let go of, release, drop
  2. (transitive) to leave someone or something, abandon
  3. (transitive) to leave a place


Alternative forms


From Дански LEGO.



Proper noun


  1. Lego, lego, Lego brick (type of plastic toy brick)


Inflection of lego (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
nominative lego legot
genitive legon legojen
partitive legoa legoja
illative legoon legoihin
singular plural
nominative lego legot
accusative nom. lego legot
gen. legon
genitive legon legojen
partitive legoa legoja
inessive legossa legoissa
elative legosta legoista
illative legoon legoihin
adessive legolla legoilla
ablative legolta legoilta
allative legolle legoille
essive legona legoina
translative legoksi legoiksi
instructive legoin
abessive legotta legoitta
comitative legoineen
Possessive forms of lego (type valo)
possessor singular plural
1st person legoni legomme
2nd person legosi legonne
3rd person legonsa

Derived terms

  • leego (tooth) (slang)



Позајмљено од Есперанто leĝoФранцуски loiИталијански leggeШпански ley.



Lua грешка in Модул:headword at line 525: For key '1' in `data.heads`, blank string not allowed; use 'false' for the default.

  1. law

Derived terms





  1. прво лице једнине презента индикатива of legare



Etymology 1

Lua грешка in Модул:languages at line 775: attempt to call method 'inFamily' (a nil value). From Proto-Italic *legō, from Proto-Indo-European *léǵ-e-ti, from Proto-Indo-European *leǵ-. Cognates include Антички Грчки λέγω (légō, I speak, I choose, I mean) and Албански mbledh. May be related to lēx.[1]




  1. to choose, select
    Синонимs: dēligō, ēligō, optō, adoptō, dēsūmō, sēpōnō, dēstinō, sūmō, capiō, creō
  2. to appoint
    Синонимs: dēlēgō, dēsignō, assignō, mandō, dēmandō, tribuō, īnstituō, impertiō, elēgō, appōnō, prōdō, cōnsociō, ōrdinō, distribuō, attribuō, discrībō, addīcō
    • Модул:Quotations:217: attempt to call field 'findBestScript' (a nil value)
  3. to collect, gather, bring together, catch
    Синонимs: cōgō, contrahō, cōnferō, congerō, coniungō, concieō, cōnserō, convehō, cōnstruō, glomerō, concitō, colligō
    • Модул:Quotations:217: attempt to call field 'findBestScript' (a nil value)
  4. to take out, pick out, extract, remove
  5. to take to one's self unjustly, carry off, steal, purloin, plunder, abstract
    Синонимs: āmoveō, removeō, adimō, dēmō, eximō, tollō, auferō, āvertō, abdūcō, excipiō, extrahō, ēvehō
  6. to read
    Librōs lege.Read books.
    Lēgistīne hunc librum?Have you read this book?
    Lingua Graeca est; nōn potest legī.It's Greek; it cannot be read.
    • Модул:Quotations:217: attempt to call field 'findBestScript' (a nil value)
  7. (Medieval Latin) to teach, profess
    Синонимs: doceō, discō, īnstruō, ēducō, ērudiō, ēdoceō, magistrō, fingō
   Conjugation of legō (third conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present legō legis legit legimus legitis legunt
imperfect legēbam legēbās legēbat legēbāmus legēbātis legēbant
future legam legēs leget legēmus legētis legent
perfect lēgī lēgistī lēgit lēgimus lēgistis lēgērunt,
pluperfect lēgeram lēgerās lēgerat lēgerāmus lēgerātis lēgerant
future perfect lēgerō lēgeris lēgerit lēgerimus lēgeritis lēgerint
passive present legor legeris,
legitur legimur legiminī leguntur
imperfect legēbar legēbāris,
legēbātur legēbāmur legēbāminī legēbantur
future legar legēris,
legētur legēmur legēminī legentur
perfect lēctus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect lēctus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect lēctus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present legam legās legat legāmus legātis legant
imperfect legerem legerēs legeret legerēmus legerētis legerent
perfect lēgerim lēgerīs lēgerit lēgerīmus lēgerītis lēgerint
pluperfect lēgissem lēgissēs lēgisset lēgissēmus lēgissētis lēgissent
passive present legar legāris,
legātur legāmur legāminī legantur
imperfect legerer legerēris,
legerētur legerēmur legerēminī legerentur
perfect lēctus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect lēctus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present lege legite
future legitō legitō legitōte leguntō
passive present legere legiminī
future legitor legitor leguntor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives legere lēgisse lēctūrum esse legī lēctum esse lēctum īrī
participles legēns lēctūrus lēctus legendus,
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
legendī legendō legendum legendō lēctum lēctū
Derived terms

Etymology 2

Lua грешка in Модул:languages at line 775: attempt to call method 'inFamily' (a nil value). From Африканс.




  1. to dispatch, send as ambassador
  2. to send on mission
  3. to assign as a legatus
  4. to delegate, entrust, assign, deputize
    Синонимs: dēlēgō, dēsignō, assignō, mandō, dēmandō, tribuō, impertiō, discrībō, elēgō, cōnsociō, ōrdinō, attribuō, appōnō, addīcō
  5. to appoint by a last will or testament, leave or bequeath as a legacy
   Conjugation of lēgō (first conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present lēgō lēgās lēgat lēgāmus lēgātis lēgant
imperfect lēgābam lēgābās lēgābat lēgābāmus lēgābātis lēgābant
future lēgābō lēgābis lēgābit lēgābimus lēgābitis lēgābunt
perfect lēgāvī lēgāvistī lēgāvit lēgāvimus lēgāvistis lēgāvērunt,
pluperfect lēgāveram lēgāverās lēgāverat lēgāverāmus lēgāverātis lēgāverant
future perfect lēgāverō lēgāveris lēgāverit lēgāverimus lēgāveritis lēgāverint
sigmatic future1 lēgāssō lēgāssis lēgāssit lēgāssimus lēgāssitis lēgāssint
passive present lēgor lēgāris,
lēgātur lēgāmur lēgāminī lēgantur
imperfect lēgābar lēgābāris,
lēgābātur lēgābāmur lēgābāminī lēgābantur
future lēgābor lēgāberis,
lēgābitur lēgābimur lēgābiminī lēgābuntur
perfect lēgātus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect lēgātus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect lēgātus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present lēgem lēgēs lēget lēgēmus lēgētis lēgent
imperfect lēgārem lēgārēs lēgāret lēgārēmus lēgārētis lēgārent
perfect lēgāverim lēgāverīs lēgāverit lēgāverīmus lēgāverītis lēgāverint
pluperfect lēgāvissem lēgāvissēs lēgāvisset lēgāvissēmus lēgāvissētis lēgāvissent
sigmatic aorist1 lēgāssim lēgāssīs lēgāssīt lēgāssīmus lēgāssītis lēgāssint
passive present lēger lēgēris,
lēgētur lēgēmur lēgēminī lēgentur
imperfect lēgārer lēgārēris,
lēgārētur lēgārēmur lēgārēminī lēgārentur
perfect lēgātus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect lēgātus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present lēgā lēgāte
future lēgātō lēgātō lēgātōte lēgantō
passive present lēgāre lēgāminī
future lēgātor lēgātor lēgantor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives lēgāre lēgāvisse lēgātūrum esse lēgārī lēgātum esse lēgātum īrī
participles lēgāns lēgātūrus lēgātus lēgandus
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
lēgandī lēgandō lēgandum lēgandō lēgātum lēgātū

1At least one use of the archaic "sigmatic future" and "sigmatic aorist" tenses is attested, which are used by Old Latin writers; most notably Plautus and Terence. The sigmatic future is generally ascribed a future or future perfect meaning, while the sigmatic aorist expresses a possible desire ("might want to").

Derived terms
  • Каталонски: llegar
  • Португалски: legar
  • Шпански: legar
  • Gallo-Italic:


  • lego”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • lego”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • Шаблон:R:la:Olivetti
  • lego in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
  • Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to read Plato: Platonem legere, lectitare
    • to study Plato: Platonem legere et cognoscere
    • the reader: legentes, ii qui legunt
    • to leave money to a person in one's will: pecuniam alicui legare
    • a dictator appoints a magister equitum: dictator dicit (legit) magistrum equitum
    • to elect to the senate: in senatum legere, eligere
    • to levy recruits to fill up the strength: supplementum cogere, scribere, legere
    • to hug the coast: oram legere (Liv. 21. 51)
    • (ambiguous) this is our natural tendency, our destiny; nature compels us: ita (ea lege, ea condicione) nati sumus
    • (ambiguous) the rules of speech, grammar: leges dicendi
    • (ambiguous) to hold by the letter (of the law): verba ac litteras or scriptum (legis) sequi (opp. sententia the spirit)
    • (ambiguous) the constitution: instituta et leges
    • (ambiguous) to give the state a constitution: civitati leges, iudicia, iura describere
    • (ambiguous) to bring a bill before the notice of the people: legem, rogationem promulgare (Liv. 33. 46)
    • (ambiguous) to propose a law in the popular assembly: legem ferre or simply ferre ad populum, ut...
    • (ambiguous) to support a bill (before the people): legem suadere (opp. dissuadere)
    • (ambiguous) to support a bill (before the people): pro lege dicere
    • (ambiguous) to formally propose a law to the people: legem rogare or rogare populum (cf. sect. XVI. 4, note Aulus Gellius...)
    • (ambiguous) to carry a law (said of the magistrate): legem perferre (Liv. 33. 46)
    • (ambiguous) to reject a bill: legem antiquare (opp. accipere, iubere)
    • (ambiguous) to vote for a law: legem sciscere (Planc. 14. 35)
    • (ambiguous) to ratify a law (used of the people): legem iubere
    • (ambiguous) to let a bill become law (of the people and senate): legem sancire
    • (ambiguous) Solo ordained by law that..: Solo lege sanxit, ut or ne
    • (ambiguous) to replace an old law by a new: legem abrogare (Att. 3. 23. 2)
    • (ambiguous) to abolish a law: legem tollere (Leg. 2. 12. 31)
    • (ambiguous) to protest against a law (used of the veto, intercessio, of plebeian tribunes): legi intercedere
    • (ambiguous) to bring a law before the notice of the people: legem proponere in publicum
    • (ambiguous) to engrave a law upon a brazen tablet: legem in aes incīdere
    • (ambiguous) to declare a law valid: legem ratam esse iubere
    • (ambiguous) to transgress a law: a lege discedere
    • (ambiguous) the law says..: in lege scriptum est, or simply est
    • (ambiguous) the spirit of the law: sententia or voluntas legis
    • (ambiguous) to make laws (of a legislator): leges scribere, facere, condere, constituere (not dare)
    • (ambiguous) a legislator: qui leges scribit (not legum lator)
    • (ambiguous) to swear obedience to a law: in legem iurare (Sest. 16. 37)
    • (ambiguous) to be bound by a law: lege teneri
    • (ambiguous) on condition of..: ea lege, ut
    • (ambiguous) a thing is illegal: aliquid contra legem est
    • (ambiguous) to upset the whole constitution: omnes leges confundere
    • (ambiguous) lawlessness; anarchy: leges nullae
    • (ambiguous) to go to law with a person: (ex) iure, lege agere cum aliquo
    • (ambiguous) to be condemned under the Lex Plautia: lege Plautia damnari (Sall. Cat. 31. 4)
  1. legal” in Douglas Harper, Online Etymology Dictionary, 2001–2024.

Norwegian Nynorsk

Etymology 1



  1. Шаблон:alt case

Etymology 2

See the etymology of the main entry.


lègo f

  1. Шаблон:nn-former-context одређеног вида једнине of lègu

Old Leonese


Inherited from Латински lāicus, which was borrowed from Антички Грчки λαϊκός (laïkós).


lego m

  1. layman
    • Script error: The function "source_t" does not exist.
      Lua грешка in Модул:languages/errorGetBy at line 16: Please specify a language or etymology language code in the first parameter; the value "<strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-51fddb02">Script error: The function &quot;first_lang&quot; does not exist.</span></strong>" is not valid (see Wiktionary:List of languages)..



  • IPA(кључ): /ˈlɛ.ɡɔ/
  • Audio:(file)
  • Риме: -ɛɡɔ
  • Syllabification: le‧go



  1. вокатива једнине of lega




  • Риме: -ɛɡu
  • Хифенација: le‧go

Etymology 1

Borrowed from Дански Lego.

Alternative forms


lego m (plural legos)

  1. Lego (small, coloured plastic toy bricks made by the Lego Company)
  2. (trademark generalisation) any similar brick toy
  3. (figurative) things that can be assembled together to form a larger thing

Etymology 2

See the etymology of the main entry.



  1. Шаблон:pt-verb form of/error of legar



Etymology 1

Inherited from Old Spanish lego, from Латински lāicus, borrowed from Антички Грчки λαϊκός (laïkós). Дублети of laico.


lego (feminine lega, masculine plural legos, feminine plural legas)

  1. ignorant, lay


lego m (plural legos, feminine lega, feminine plural legas)

  1. layman

Etymology 2

See the etymology of the main entry.



  1. прво лице једнине презента индикатива of legar

Further reading


Шведски Wikipedia has an article on:
Википедија sv



lego n

  1. Lego
    bygga (med) lego
    build/play with lego
    leka med lego
    play with lego
  2. In compound words; an ablaut of lega (hired; contracted).
    ett legoavtalLEGO
    an outsourcing contract
    en legosoldatLEGO
    a mercenary
    (literally, “a hired soldier”)


Declension of lego 
Indefinite Definite
Nominative lego legot
Genitive legos legots

Derived terms
