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Додатак:НАТО фонетски алфабет

Letters and pronunciation of the NATO spelling alphabet
Letter Code word US Army standard
A alfa AL fah
B bravo BRAH voh
C Charlie CHAR lee
D delta DEL tah
E echo EKK oh
F foxtrot FOKS trot
G golf Golf
H hotel HO tell
I India IN dee ah
J Juliett JEW lee ett
K Kilo KEY loh
L Lima LEE mah
M Mike Mike
N November NOH vem ber
O Oscar OSS car
P papa PAH pah
Q Quebec keh BECK
R Romeo ROW me oh
S sierra see AIR ah
T tango TANG go
U uniform YOU nee form
V Victor VIK ter
W whiskey WISS key
X X-ray or Xray EKS ray
Y Yankee YANG kee
Z Zulu ZOO luu
- (hyphen) dash