Резултати претраге

  • form of fo Од Old English fā, варијанта од fāh. Шаблон:enm-adj Alternative form of fo Шаблон:enm-adv Alternative form of fo From Lua грешка in Модул:languages/errorGetBy…
    4 kB (374 речи) - 21:35, 3. јул 2022.
  • noun (категорија enm:Граматика)
    numeral or pronoun. 1753, Thomas Martin, An Explanation of the Accidence and Grammar To the End of the Syntax in which The Grounds of each Rule in the Syntax…
    17 kB (1.387 речи) - 08:17, 3. септембар 2023.
  • from Proto-Germanic *furistaz. МФА(кључ): /first/, /furst/, /fɛrst/ Шаблон:enm-adj first Енглески: first Scots: first Yola: vursth “first” in MED Online…
    23 kB (973 речи) - 21:51, 12. јул 2022.
  • (“hey”) he Alternative form of heye (“hedge”) Шаблон:enm-adj Alternative form of heigh (“high”) Шаблон:enm-verb Alternative form of hyen (“to go quickly”)…
    24 kB (5.534 речи) - 23:54, 14. јануар 2023.
  • (“thee”) they (plural þeies) Alternative spelling of þey (“thigh”) Шаблон:enm-adv Alternative spelling of þey (“though”) they Alternative spelling of þey…
    30 kB (4.044 речи) - 09:40, 8. јул 2022.
  • second-best second cousin second fiddle second-guess second imperative (Latin grammar) second-in-command secondman, second man secondmost second nature second…
    43 kB (2.230 речи) - 12:38, 4. јул 2022.
  • name (категорија zza:Grammar)
    used in Caribbean Spanish cooking. cush-cush yam -mane, -nema, Amen, Eman, Enma, MEAN, MENA, Mena, NEMA, NMEA, amen, mane, mean, mnae, neam (alphagram aemn)…
    45 kB (1.800 речи) - 20:13, 9. новембар 2023.