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Broj 1 na Morzeovom kodu.


Lua greška in Modul:headword at line 703: `data.pos_category` not specified and could not be inferred from the categories given in `data.categories`. Either specify the plural part of speech in `data.pos_category` (e.g. "proper nouns") or ensure that the first category in `data.categories` is formed from the language's canonical name plus the plural part of speech (e.g. "Norwegian Bokmål proper nouns")..

  1. Vizuelni prikaz Morzeove azbuke za 1.

See also


Audio: (datoteka)
slovo (latinica) kod izgovor izgovor (engleski)
A .- Avala Alpha
B -… Beograd Bravo
C -.-. Cetinje Charlie
D -.. Drina Delta
E · Evropa Echo
F ..-. Futog Foxtrot
G --. Golija Golf
H …. Heroj Hotel
I .. (I) Igalo India
J .--- Jadran Julliet
K -.- Kosovo Kilo
L .-.. Lovćen Lima
M -- Morava Mike
N -. Niš November
O --- Obilić Oscar
P .--. Pirot Papa
Q --.- Kvorum Quebec
R .-. Ruma Romeo
S Sava Sierra
T - Timok Tango
U ..- Užice Uniform
V …- Valjevo Victor
W .-- Duplo ve Whiskey
X -..- Iks X-Ray
Y -.-- Ipsilon Yankee
Z --.. Zemun Zulu
1 .---- Jedinica One
2 ..--- Dva Two
3 …-- Tri Three
4 ….- Četiri Four
5 ….. Petica Five
6 -…. Šest Six
7 --… Sedam Seven
8 ---.. Osam Eight
9 ----. Devet Nine
0 ----- Nula Zero