Пређи на садржај



ВикицитатиCHAPTER XI

"Pure prehuman and micro-organic chemistry," Aaron broke in. "The

reactions of cell-elements to the doggerel punch of the wave-lengths of sunlight, the foundation of all folk-songs and rag-times. Terrence completes his circle right there and stultifies all his windiness. Now

listen to me, and I will present--"

Проширени садржај


  • Италијански: [1] it it
  • Португалски: [1] pt pt
  • Украјински: [1] uk uk


"But wait," Paula pleaded. "Mr. Graham argues that English puritanism

barred music, real music, for centuries...."Шаблон:DJLLREF



Изведене речи: Pure

p u r e
pur pure puer peur epur
pru prue preu peru epru
upr upre uper uepr eupr
urp urpe urep uerp eurp
rpu rpue rpeu repu erpu
rup rupe ruep reup erup
Проширени садржај
01 pure
02 puer
03 prue
04 preu
05 peur
06 peru
07 upre
08 uper
09 urpe
10 urep
11 uepr
12 uerp
13 rpue
14 rpeu
15 rupe
16 ruep
17 repu
18 reup
19 epur
20 epru
21 eupr
22 eurp
23 erpu
24 erup
