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Викиречник:Реч дана/Архива/2024/Јануар

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Викиречник:Реч дана/2024/Јануар 1

Викиречник:Реч дана/2024/Јануар 2

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 3

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 4

Реч дана for Јануар 5
a little bird told me phrase
  1. (idiomatic, chiefly humorous) I received the information from a source which I am not prepared to disclose.
Today is National Bird Day in the U.S.A., which is promoted by the Avian Welfare Coalition to encourage the leaving of birds in the wild and to improve the welfare of birds in captivity.
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Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 6

Викиречник:Реч дана/2024/Јануар 7

Викиречник:Реч дана/2024/Јануар 8

Викиречник:Реч дана/2024/Јануар 9

Викиречник:Реч дана/2024/Јануар 10

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 11

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 12

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 13

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 14

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 15

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 16

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 17

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 18

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 19

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 20

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 21

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 22

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 23

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 24

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 25

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 26

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 27

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 28

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 29

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 30

Викиречник:Word of the day/2024/January 31