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(преусмерено са Разговор с корисником:Acamicamacaraca)
Последњи коментар: Samuel (WMF), пре 1 године у теми Need your input on a policy impacting gadgets and UserJS


Добро дошли!

Поздрав, и добро дошли на Викиречник. Надамо се да ће Вам се овде свидети и да ћете одлучити да останете. Ми сви овде редовно пратимо страну скорашње измене, тако сазнајемо за нове занимљиве чланке и речи, ко је тренутно активан, шта тренутно ради, и шта је у протеклом времену урађено. Позивамо Вас да учествујете и у превођењу чланака/речи на друге језике. Ево неких добрих линкова за новопридошле:

Надамо се да ћете уживати овде дајући свој допринос и постати наш стални члан!

  • Можете се потписивати на страницама за разговор користећи четири тилде ( ~~~~ ). Снимањем се на том месту генерише Ваше име, тренутно време и датум.

[[|   ]]
Don’t speak Serbian?
Don’t speak Serbian?  
[[|   ]]
Sie sprechen kein Serbisch?
Sprechen sie kein Serbisch?

Пријатан рад! -- Nesmir Kudilovič (razgovor) 7,43; nedelja, 7. oktobra 2018. (SEV)

Protect թ‎

Hello, I see you are an active admin here so I'll refrain from performing non-emergency global sysop actions. Could you please protect թ‎ as it has been vandalized since 15 Dec? --WhitePhosphorus (разговор) 06:57, 25. децембар 2019. (CET)Одговори

@WhitePhosphorus: Done. — Александар () 10:15, 25. децембар 2019. (CET)Одговори

How we will see unregistered users


You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.

When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.

Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.

If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.

We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.

Thank you. /Johan (WMF)

19:19, 4. јануар 2022. (CET)

Need your input on a policy impacting gadgets and UserJS

Dear interface administrator,

This is Samuel from the Security team and I hope my message finds you well.

There is an ongoing discussion on a proposed policy governing the use of external resources in gadgets and UserJS. The proposed Third-party resources policy aims at making the UserJS and Gadgets landscape a bit safer by encouraging best practices around external resources. After an initial non-public conversation with a small number of interface admins and staff, we've launched a much larger, public consultation to get a wider pool of feedback for improving the policy proposal. Based on the ideas received so far, the proposed policy now includes some of the risks related to user scripts and gadgets loading third-party resources, best practices for gadgets and UserJS developers, and exemptions requirements such as code transparency and inspectability.

As an interface administrator, your feedback and suggestions are warmly welcome until July 17, 2023 on the policy talk page.

Have a great day!

Samuel (WMF), on behalf of the Foundation's Security team 14:08, 10. јул 2023. (CEST)Одговори