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Добродошли на Трг Викиречника. Скуп ових страница користи се за расправу о техничким питањима, правилима и раду Викиречника — као и свему што вас интересује о овом пројекту. Да бисте поставили неко питање, потребно је да у горњем менију одаберете одговарајућу опцију. Након ажурирања текста поруке, молимо да потпишете своју поруку (укуцавањем --~~~~ или кликом на трећи квадратић здесна изнад уређивачког оквира: ’Потпис са временском ознаком’).

Change coming to how certain templates will appear on the mobile web

CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 20:35, 13. новембар 2018. (CET)[одговори]

Захтев за бирократско право

Поздрав, потребно ми је бирократско право, почевши од понедељка, 18. новембра у поноћ до уторка, 19. новембра у поноћ (тј. на 24 часа) ради лакшег тестирања омогућавања додатних корисничких права. Исто право ми је из истих разлога потребно и на викивестима (захтев за викивести ће бити креиран исто на тамошњем пројекту). Zoranzoki21 (разговор) 14:33, 17. новембар 2018. (CET)[одговори]

Community Wishlist Survey vote

19:13, 22. новембар 2018. (CET)

Advanced Search

Johanna Strodt (WMDE) (talk) 12:03, 26. новембар 2018. (CET)[одговори]

New Wikimedia password policy and requirements

CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 21:03, 6. децембар 2018. (CET)[одговори]

Захтев за администраторско право на 24 часа

Поздрав, хтео бих да затражим администраторско на 24 часа због брисања великог броја страница по захтеву ФридрихаМилБарбаросе. Zoranzoki21 (разговор) 00:08, 16. децембар 2018. (CET)[одговори]

Selection of the Tremendous Wiktionary User Group representative to the Wikimedia Summit 2019

Dear all,

Sorry for posting this message in English and last minute notification. The Tremendous Wiktionary User Group could send one representative to the Wikimedia Summit 2019 (formerly "Wikimedia Conference"). The Wikimedia Summit is an yearly conference of all organizations affiliated to the Wikimedia Movement (including our Tremendous Wiktionary User Group). It is a great place to talk about Wiktionary needs to the chapters and other user groups that compose the Wikimedia movement.

For context, there is a short report on what happened last year. The deadline is very close to 24 hrs. The last date for registration is 17 December 2018. As a last minute effort, there is a page on meta to decide who will be the representative of the user group to the Wikimedia Summit created.

Please feel free to ask any question on the wiktionary-l mailing list or on the talk page.

For the Tremendous Wiktionary User Group, -- Balajijagadesh 06:56, 16. децембар 2018. (CET)[одговори]

Thai entries

Lots of Thai entries are created wrongly. One reason is User:Asinis632 made bad splitting links in Bible message. I must remove all links in the templates and also request to delete some entries. --Octahedron80 (разговор) 05:21, 25. децембар 2018. (CET)[одговори]

Invitation from Wiki Loves Love 2019

Помозите у превођењу на свој језик

Love is an important subject for humanity and it is expressed in different cultures and regions in different ways across the world through different gestures, ceremonies, festivals and to document expression of this rich and beautiful emotion, we need your help so we can share and spread the depth of cultures that each region has, the best of how people of that region, celebrate love.

Wiki Loves Love (WLL) is an international photography competition of Wikimedia Commons with the subject love testimonials happening in the month of February.

The primary goal of the competition is to document love testimonials through human cultural diversity such as monuments, ceremonies, snapshot of tender gesture, and miscellaneous objects used as symbol of love; to illustrate articles in the worldwide free encyclopedia Wikipedia, and other Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) projects.

The theme of 2019 iteration is Celebrations, Festivals, Ceremonies and rituals of love.

Sign up your affiliate or individually at Participants page.

To know more about the contest, check out our Commons Page and FAQs

There are several prizes to grab. Hope to see you spreading love this February with Wiki Loves Love!

Kind regards,

Wiki Loves Love Team

Imagine... the sum of all love!

--MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 11:13, 27. децембар 2018. (CET)[одговори]

Захтев за администраторско право - Zoranzoki21

Подносим захтев за администраторско право по Ранковом предлогу. Zoranzoki21 (разговор) 17:53, 13. јануар 2019. (CET)[одговори]

Коментар  Зоране, захтеви за администраторска овлашћења се подносе на Викиречник:Администратори. Тамо покрени ново гласање. --FriedrickMILBarbarossa (разговор) 00:00, 14. јануар 2019. (CET)[одговори]
Само покрени гласање на одговарајућем мјесту и имаш моју подршку. —Ранко Николић (разговор) 23:03, 17. јануар 2019. (CET)[одговори]

FileExporter beta feature

Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 10:41, 14. јануар 2019. (CET)[одговори]

No editing for 30 minutes on 17 January

You will not be able to edit the wikis for up to 30 minutes on 17 January 07:00 UTC. This is because of a database problem that has to be fixed immediately. You can still read the wikis. Some wikis are not affected. They don't get this message. You can see which wikis are not affected on this page. Most wikis are affected. The time you can not edit might be shorter than 30 minutes. /Johan (WMF)

19:54, 16. јануар 2019. (CET)

Talk to us about talking

Trizek (WMF) 16:01, 21. фебруар 2019. (CET)[одговори]

ВАЖНО: Преглед активности администратора


Правило везано за уклањање "напредних права" (попут администратора, бирократа, итд.) је усвојено глобалним консензусом заједнице 2013-те године. Према овом правилу, стјуарди проверавају администраторску активност на свим викијима Викимедијине Фондације без правила везаних за неактивност. Према нашем најбољем сазнању, ваш вики нема формалан процес за уклањање "напредних права" неактивним налозима. Ово значи да ће се стјуарди за ово побринути према прегледу администраторске активности.

Утврдили смо да следећи корисници испуњавају критеријуме неактивности (без измена и без забележених акција више од две године):

  1. Milos trifunovic.

Наведени корисници ће ускоро примити обавештење, тражећи од њих да започну дискусију заједнице уколико желе да задрже нека или сва своја права. Уколико корисници не одговоре, онда ће њихова напредна права бити уклоњена од стране стјуарда.

Међутим, ако бисте као заједница желели да креирате властити процес прегледа активности који замењује глобални, желите да донесете још једну одлуку о неактивним носиоцима права, или већ имате политику коју смо пропустили, молимо Вас да нас у том случају обавестите на стјуарде на Мета-викију тако да знамо да не треба наставити са разматрањем права на вашем викију. Хвала, --MarcoAurelio (разговор) 22:25, 7. март 2019. (CET)[одговори]

Read-only mode for up to 30 minutes on 11 April

12:56, 8. април 2019. (CEST)

Wikimedia Foundation Medium-Term Plan feedback request

Помозите у превођењу на свој језик

The Wikimedia Foundation has published a Medium-Term Plan proposal covering the next 3–5 years. We want your feedback! Please leave all comments and questions, in any language, on the talk page, by April 20. Хвала вам! Quiddity (WMF) (talk) 19:35, 12. април 2019. (CEST)[одговори]

Суперинтелигентни Корисник Asinis632 вандал?

Нисам дуго био овдје па тек сад примијетих - да ли је овај корисник вандал или је то неко зезање коме нисам интелектуално дорастао? Пошто видим да овдје жари и пали већ дуго, поставља се питање ... има ли овдје кога живог? Каштер (разговор) 22:15, 16. мај 2019. (CEST)[одговори]

Ево јавља се суперинтелигентни Синиша Стаматовић.

Случајно или намерно био сам пре 31 годину трећи у Југославији у Дејановим питалицама, код Дејана Ристановића у Рачунарима.

Данас сам достигао ниво Гугла и знам доста језика које не знам да причам. Али знам математику у мале прсте.

Са лингвистиком сам почео да се бавим када сам изгубио посао и тако добио време на коришћење. И открио многе ствари.

Једноставно слажете домине и тако формирате речи. Ако има 30 слова. Могуће је саставити 900 парова. Ако то поделимо на пола добијамо 450. 900 секунди је 15 минута. Тако да када кажемо АН исто је као и НА јер је симетрично. И онда формирамо Анна или ана. На крају се може и добити троугао са врхом ША или АШ. Случајно ја имам та два слова на крају мог имена. СиниША. Имам и синестезију тако да видим невидљиво. А је прво а Н шеснаесто слово ћиричног писма. Тако да су дијаметрално супротни. Такође ШМ је исто на дистанци 15 јер је 30 - 15 једнако 15. Односно добија се галгал ко зна шта је то. Може да се направи спектрална анализа и обоји то. Углавном има 450 жица које су повезане у теорији графова. Сада је интересантан код ку ер. А то је Галоа давно радио тако да се Абелове групе појављују после 600 година. И то је он рекао да је Галоа направио поље које ће тек доћи, а то је данас.

Основа је Б стабло, и 4! који даје 24. Тетраграматон. Имамо четири прста и множи се 1*2*3*4 и сабира се 1+2+3+4.

Може да се користи и полином, и генеративне функције и хаусдорфови простори и лебегова мера и кардинални бројеви, компактан и комплетан простор.

Заинтересовао сам се и за кинески и успео да сложим све идеограме или како се већ зове. После сам отишао у Кореју и сад сам тренутно у Ток писину. Прошао сам и тибетски, тамилски, тајски. Арамејски , хебрејски и санскрт и непалски и амхарски.

Односно нисам открио ништа ново то стоји ту само треба посветити време а ја тога сада имам доста тако да систематски радим посао.

Имам супер памћење јер сам мнемотехничар.

3,141592653589793238462643383279502884197169375105820974944 и тако даље. Можда сам и погрешио у некој цифри али нема везе.

Стао сам са радом јер нема смисла. Јер видим да се брише оно што радим. Није битно неко ће већ то откуцати ако буде интереса за тим.

Случајно или намерено сам Водолија у хороскопу. Рођен сам 4 фебруара 1963 тако да сад тренутно имам 56 година. Ко зна да гледа у хороскоп нека прочита ме. Када сам ја читао нова епоха је кренула 4 2 1962 тако да када сам напунио педесет година сам изгубио посао, односно добио сам слободу и то баш ових дана 26 маја 2013. Претходно сам 2008 године кренуо да цртам мапе на гугл мапама. Данас сам на 8 нивоу и локални водич. И аналогијом сам како сам цртао мапе исто сам то радио и са језиком и кренуо да шетам по времену и простору.

Читајући старе књиге ми се у ствари враћамо у то доба када су писане. И све је једноставно само што људи то компликују јер не могу да одвоје и посвете време за себе и друге јер су презапослени. Asinis632 (разговор) 08:48, 17. мај 2019. (CEST)[одговори]

Многи доприноси су му спорни. Уколико настави, овај пројекат ће постати ништа друго до резервне библије… Треба да почне да преводи са Википедије на енглеском. Ја ћу корисника гарантовано послати на хлађење на неки временски период уколико настави да показује високи коефицијент интелигенције. — Александар () 11:20, 19. мај 2019. (CEST)[одговори]

Коначно да се неко обрати и да разговарамо и саветујемо. Хвала на саветима. То сам све радио једноставно, када сам кренуо да изучавам енглески од почетка на мој начин. И тако када сам кренуо почело је да испада веза са Библијом и не знајући да је све у томе. Касније сам се заинтересовао за кинески језик и тражио сам везу и аналогију. И повезао све. Битна је тема јер је то непресушно. Сада очигледно сам стао са тим радом јер сам превазишао своје знање и стварно се ладим односно одмарам. Сазрело је све знање односно омниологија. Ако будете заитересовани да радим даље, ако могу да имам слободу шта да радим по мом принципу у реду, али сада спорије или могу и брже. Стално сам на мрежи и пратим ситуацију јер је тако. Поздрав. Asinis632 (разговор) 11:52, 19. мај 2019. (CEST) пс. ако може оне грешке да се исправе са речником синонима. Или ћу ја то ручно једног дана урадити када ми буде досадно.[одговори]

Колико сам видио он лупа глупости гдје год и кад стигне. Што се уређивања тиче, само понекад му се омакне "невандализам". Дакле, блокада и враћање свих измјена је њему једини лијек. Веома једноставно. Иначе не може више људска рука да поправи шта он убрља. :-) Поз, Каштер (разговор) 21:18, 20. мај 2019. (CEST)[одговори]

Update on the consultation about office actions

Hello all,

Last month, the Wikimedia Foundation's Trust & Safety team announced a future consultation about partial and/or temporary office actions. We want to let you know that the draft version of this consultation has now been posted on Meta.

This is a draft. It is not intended to be the consultation itself, which will be posted on Meta likely in early September. Please do not treat this draft as a consultation. Instead, we ask your assistance in forming the final language for the consultation.

For that end, we would like your input over the next couple of weeks about what questions the consultation should ask about partial and temporary Foundation office action bans and how it should be formatted. Please post it on the draft talk page. Our goal is to provide space for the community to discuss all the aspects of these office actions that need to be discussed, and we want to ensure with your feedback that the consultation is presented in the best way to encourage frank and constructive conversation.

Please visit the consultation draft on Meta-wiki and leave your comments on the draft’s talk page about what the consultation should look like and what questions it should ask.

Thank you for your input! -- The Trust & Safety team 10:03, 16. август 2019. (CEST)

New tools and IP masking

16:19, 21. август 2019. (CEST)

The consultation on partial and temporary Foundation bans just started

-- Kbrown (WMF) 19:14, 30. септембар 2019. (CEST)[одговори]

Feedback wanted on Desktop Improvements project

09:15, 16. октобар 2019. (CEST)

Community Wishlist 2020

IFried (WMF) 20:30, 4. новембар 2019. (CET)[одговори]

Wiki Loves Folklore

Hello Folks,

Wiki Loves Love is back again in 2020 iteration as Wiki Loves Folklore from 1 February, 2020 - 29 February, 2020. Join us to celebrate the local cultural heritage of your region with the theme of folklore in the international photography contest at Wikimedia Commons. Images, videos and audios representing different forms of folk cultures and new forms of heritage that haven’t otherwise been documented so far are welcome submissions in Wiki Loves Folklore. Learn more about the contest at Meta-Wiki and Commons.

Kind regards,
Wiki Loves Folklore International Team
— Tulsi Bhagat (contribs | talk)
sent using MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 07:15, 18. јануар 2020. (CET)

Movement Learning and Leadership Development Project


The Wikimedia Foundation’s Community Development team is seeking to learn more about the way volunteers learn and develop into the many different roles that exist in the movement. Our goal is to build a movement informed framework that provides shared clarity and outlines accessible pathways on how to grow and develop skills within the movement. To this end, we are looking to speak with you, our community to learn about your journey as a Wikimedia volunteer. Whether you joined yesterday or have been here from the very start, we want to hear about the many ways volunteers join and contribute to our movement.

To learn more about the project, please visit the Meta page. If you are interested in participating in the project, please complete this simple Google form. Although we may not be able to speak to everyone who expresses interest, we encourage you to complete this short form if you are interested in participating!

-- LMiranda (WMF) (talk) 20:01, 22. јануар 2020. (CET)[одговори]

Additional interface for edit conflicts on talk pages

Sorry, for writing this text in English. If you could help to translate it, it would be appreciated.

You might know the new interface for edit conflicts (currently a beta feature). Now, Wikimedia Germany is designing an additional interface to solve edit conflicts on talk pages. This interface is shown to you when you write on a discussion page and another person writes a discussion post in the same line and saves it before you do. With this additional editing conflict interface you can adjust the order of the comments and edit your comment. We are inviting everyone to have a look at the planned feature. Let us know what you think on our central feedback page! -- For the Technical Wishes Team: Max Klemm (WMDE) 15:15, 26. фебруар 2020. (CET)[одговори]

Feedback on movement names

Здраво. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик if necessary. Хвала вам!

There are a lot of conversations happening about the future of our movement names. We hope that you are part of these discussions and that your community is represented.

Since 16 June, the Foundation Brand Team has been running a survey in 7 languages about 3 naming options. There are also community members sharing concerns about renaming in a Community Open Letter.

Our goal in this call for feedback is to hear from across the community, so we encourage you to participate in the survey, the open letter, or both. The survey will go through 7 July in all timezones. Input from the survey and discussions will be analyzed and published on Meta-Wiki.

Thanks for thinking about the future of the movement, --The Brand Project team, 21:39, 2. јул 2020. (CEST)

Note: The survey is conducted via a third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling, see the survey privacy statement.

Announcing a new wiki project! Welcome, Abstract Wikipedia

Sent by m:User:Elitre (WMF) 22:13, 9. јул 2020. (CEST) - m:Special:MyLanguage/Abstract Wikipedia/July 2020 announcement [одговори]


Након годину дана од ове расправе, започето је чишћење пројекта. Фридрих ми је припомогао да наместим дизајн основних шаблона. Покренућу бота да уклони сувишне тетр шаблоне. Зоран ће масовно избрисати странице које нису ваљане. Потом следи ажурирање и допуњавање постојећих уноса. Позивам све да се прикључе, хвала! — Александар () 00:40, 4. август 2020. (CEST) Треба дефинисати опсег речи које би ушле у речник, јер их има бесконачно много и на много језика исто значе. Са 30 слова ћирилице или толико почетака има увек 30 крајева који се умножавају даље јер опет имамо 30 када од а дођемо до б и даље тако као и шаховски потези.Asinis632 (разговор) 10:42, 10. април 2021. (CEST)[одговори]

Technical Wishes: FileExporter and FileImporter become default features on all Wikis

Max Klemm (WMDE) 11:14, 6. август 2020. (CEST)[одговори]

Important: maintenance operation on September 1st

Trizek (WMF) (talk) 15:49, 26. август 2020. (CEST)[одговори]

Invitation to participate in the conversation

Wiktionary sitelinks dashboard: URL update

Hello all, and sorry for writing in English. Feel free to translate this message below.

The Wiktionary Cognate Dashboard presents interesting data about the extension powering your sitelinks. I just wanted to let you know that the URL of this tool changed: it is now accessible at https://wiktionary-analytics.wmcloud.org/Wiktionary_CognateDashboard/ . The former URLs, https://wmdeanalytics.wmflabs.org/Wiktionary_CognateDashboard/ and https://wdcm.wmflabs.org/Wiktionary_CognateDashboard/ , will be disabled on September 25th. Don't forget to update your documentation pages accordingly.

If you have questions about the tool or the URL switch, feel free to ping me. Cheers, Lea Lacroix (WMDE) 13:46, 14. септембар 2020. (CEST)[одговори]

Wiki of functions naming contest

23:16, 29. септембар 2020. (CEST)

Call for feedback about Wikimedia Foundation Bylaws changes and Board candidate rubric

Здраво. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик.

Today the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees starts two calls for feedback. One is about changes to the Bylaws mainly to increase the Board size from 10 to 16 members. The other one is about a trustee candidate rubric to introduce new, more effective ways to evaluate new Board candidates. The Board welcomes your comments through 26 October. For more details, check the full announcement.

Хвала вам! Qgil-WMF (talk) 19:11, 7. октобар 2020. (CEST)[одговори]

Important: maintenance operation on October 27

-- Trizek (WMF) (talk) 19:12, 21. октобар 2020. (CEST)[одговори]

Important: maintenance operation on October 27

-- Trizek (WMF) (talk) 13:51, 22. октобар 2020. (CEST)[одговори]


... се може уклонити празан одјељак „Напомене”, као и непотребни нови редови и размаци прије референци. --; 1.59, 24. 10. 2020. (CEST)

Wiki of functions naming contest - Round 2

23:11, 5. новембар 2020. (CET)

Update to ICU Unicode library

Trizek (WMF) 15:53, 16. новембар 2020. (CET)[одговори]

SGrabarczuk (WMF)

19:09, 20. новембар 2020. (CET)

Global bot policy proposal: invitation to a Meta discussion

Wikidata descriptions changes to be included more often in Recent Changes and Watchlist

2020 Coolest Tool Award Ceremony on December 11th

Community Wishlist Survey 2021

SGrabarczuk (WMF)

01:52, 15. децембар 2020. (CET)

Moving Wikimania 2021 to a Virtual Event

Wikimania's logo.

Здраво. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. Помозите у превођењу на свој језик. Хвала вам!

Wikimania will be a virtual event this year, and hosted by a wide group of community members. Whenever the next in-person large gathering is possible again, the ESEAP Core Organizing Team will be in charge of it. Stay tuned for more information about how you can get involved in the planning process and other aspects of the event. Please read the longer version of this announcement on wikimedia-l.

ESEAP Core Organizing Team, Wikimania Steering Committee, Wikimedia Foundation Events Team, 16:16, 27. јануар 2021. (CET)

Project Grant Open Call

This is the announcement for the Project Grants program open call that started on January 11, with the submission deadline of February 10, 2021.
This first open call will be focussed on Community Organizing proposals. A second open call focused on research and software proposals is scheduled from February 15 with a submission deadline of March 16, 2021.

For the Round 1 open call, we invite you to propose grant applications that fall under community development and organizing (offline and online) categories. Project Grant funds are available to support individuals, groups, and organizations to implement new experiments and proven ideas, from organizing a better process on your wiki, coordinating a campaign or editathon series to providing other support for community building. We offer the following resources to help you plan your project and complete a grant proposal:

Program officers are also available to offer individualized proposal support upon request. Contact us if you would like feedback or more information.

We are excited to see your grant ideas that will support our community and make an impact on the future of Wikimedia projects. Put your idea into motion, and submit your proposal by February 10, 2021!

Please feel free to get in touch with questions about getting started with your grant application, or about serving on the Project Grants Committee. Contact us at projectgrantsШаблон:atwikimedia.org. Please help us translate this message to your local language. MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 09:01, 28. јануар 2021. (CET)[одговори]

Wiki Loves Folklore 2021 is back!

Помозите у превођењу на свој језик

You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2021 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 28th of February.

You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.

Please support us in translating the project page and a banner message to help us spread the word in your native language.

Kind regards,

Wiki loves Folklore International Team

MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 14:25, 6. фебруар 2021. (CET)[одговори]

Proposal: Set two-letter project shortcuts as alias to project namespace globally

Помозите у превођењу на свој језик

Hello everyone,

I apologize for posting in English. I would like to inform everyone that I created a new global request for comment (GRFC) at Meta Wiki, which may affect your project: m:Requests for comment/Set short project namespace aliases by default globally.

In this GRFC, I propose that two-project shortcuts for project names will become a default alias for the project namespace. For instance, on all Wikipedias, WP will be an alias to the Wikipedia: namespace (and similar for other projects). Full list is available in the GRFC.

This is already the case for Wikivoyages, and many individual projects asked for this alias to be implemented. I believe this makes it easier to access the materials in the project namespace, as well as creating shortcuts like WP:NPOV, as well as helps new projects to use this feature, without having to figure out how to request site configuration changes first.

As far as I can see, Викиречник currently does not have such an alias set. This means that such an alias will be set for you, if the GRFC is accepted by the global community.

I would like to ask all community members to participate in the request for comment at Meta-Wiki, see m:Requests for comment/Set short project namespace aliases by default globally.

Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions about this proposal.

Best regards,
--Martin Urbanec (talk) 15:12, 18. фебруар 2021. (CET)[одговори]

Wikifunctions logo contest

02:52, 2. март 2021. (CET)

Blokirajte Asinis632-a (primjer: https://sr.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=01:03:18&action=history). -- 02:43, 25. март 2021. (CET) Ја сам се поправио и поправљам све моје грешке које сам направио. Молио бих вас за стрпљење док побришем моје вежбе. Хвала. Asinis632 (разговор) 09:03, 25. март 2021. (CET) И даље чистим све што сам радио. Треба ми времена да то пречистим, па ћемо касније радити све јово наново јер ако стојимо језик је флуентан и тако да или не треба радити и оставити овако како је или наћи људе који су заинтересовани за рад на пројекту који је немогућ јер је бесконачан и има пуно путева који воде у Рим. Са само 30 знакова ћирилице има доста путева којим идемо и стално идемо по њима стварајући везе којих има увек нових. Е сад Asinis632 (разговор) 10:35, 10. април 2021. (CEST)[одговори]

Universal Code of Conduct – 2021 consultations

Universal Code of Conduct Phase 2

Помозите у превођењу на свој језик

The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) provides a universal baseline of acceptable behavior for the entire Wikimedia movement and all its projects. The project is currently in Phase 2, outlining clear enforcement pathways. You can read more about the whole project on its project page.

Drafting Committee: Call for applications

The Wikimedia Foundation is recruiting volunteers to join a committee to draft how to make the code enforceable. Volunteers on the committee will commit between 2 and 6 hours per week from late April through July and again in October and November. It is important that the committee be diverse and inclusive, and have a range of experiences, including both experienced users and newcomers, and those who have received or responded to, as well as those who have been falsely accused of harassment.

To apply and learn more about the process, see Universal Code of Conduct/Drafting committee.

2021 community consultations: Notice and call for volunteers / translators

From 5 April – 5 May 2021 there will be conversations on many Wikimedia projects about how to enforce the UCoC. We are looking for volunteers to translate key material, as well as to help host consultations on their own languages or projects using suggested key questions. If you are interested in volunteering for either of these roles, please contact us in whatever language you are most comfortable.

To learn more about this work and other conversations taking place, see Universal Code of Conduct/2021 consultations.

-- Xeno (WMF) (talk) 00:26, 6. април 2021. (CEST)[одговори]

Global bot policy changes

Line numbering coming soon to all wikis

-- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 17:09, 12. април 2021. (CEST)[одговори]

Suggested Values

Timur Vorkul (WMDE) 16:08, 22. април 2021. (CEST)[одговори]

Universal Code of Conduct News – Issue 1

Universal Code of Conduct News
Issue 1, June 2021Read the full newsletter

Welcome to the first issue of Universal Code of Conduct News! This newsletter will help Wikimedians stay involved with the development of the new code, and will distribute relevant news, research, and upcoming events related to the UCoC.

Please note, this is the first issue of UCoC Newsletter which is delivered to all subscribers and projects as an announcement of the initiative. If you want the future issues delivered to your talk page, village pumps, or any specific pages you find appropriate, you need to subscribe here.

You can help us by translating the newsletter issues in your languages to spread the news and create awareness of the new conduct to keep our beloved community safe for all of us. Please add your name here if you want to be informed of the draft issue to translate beforehand. Your participation is valued and appreciated.

  • Affiliate consultations – Wikimedia affiliates of all sizes and types were invited to participate in the UCoC affiliate consultation throughout March and April 2021. (continue reading)
  • 2021 key consultations – The Wikimedia Foundation held enforcement key questions consultations in April and May 2021 to request input about UCoC enforcement from the broader Wikimedia community. (continue reading)
  • Roundtable discussions – The UCoC facilitation team hosted two 90-minute-long public roundtable discussions in May 2021 to discuss UCoC key enforcement questions. More conversations are scheduled. (continue reading)
  • Phase 2 drafting committee – The drafting committee for the phase 2 of the UCoC started their work on 12 May 2021. Read more about their work. (continue reading)
  • Diff blogs – The UCoC facilitators wrote several blog posts based on interesting findings and insights from each community during local project consultation that took place in the 1st quarter of 2021. (continue reading)

--MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 01:06, 12. јун 2021. (CEST)[одговори]

Wikimania 2021: Individual Program Submissions

Dear all,

Wikimania 2021 will be hosted virtually for the first time in the event's 15-year history. Since there is no in-person host, the event is being organized by a diverse group of Wikimedia volunteers that form the Core Organizing Team (COT) for Wikimania 2021.

Event Program - Individuals or a group of individuals can submit their session proposals to be a part of the program. There will be translation support for sessions provided in a number of languages. See more information here.

Below are some links to guide you through;

Please note that the deadline for submission is 18th June 2021.

Announcements- To keep up to date with the developments around Wikimania, the COT sends out weekly updates. You can view them in the Announcement section here.

Office Hour - If you are left with questions, the COT will be hosting some office hours (in multiple languages), in multiple time-zones, to answer any programming questions that you might have. Details can be found here.

Best regards,

MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 06:19, 16. јун 2021. (CEST)[одговори]

On behalf of Wikimania 2021 Core Organizing Team

Editing news 2021 #2

16:15, 24. јун 2021. (CEST)

Server switch

SGrabarczuk (WMF) 03:19, 27. јун 2021. (CEST)[одговори]

Universal Code of Conduct - Enforcement draft guidelines review

The Universal Code of Conduct Phase 2 drafting committee would like comments about the enforcement draft guidelines for the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC). This review period is planned for 17 August 2021 through 17 October 2021.

These guidelines are not final but you can help move the progress forward. The committee will revise the guidelines based upon community input.

Comments can be shared in any language on the draft review talk page and multiple other venues. Community members are encouraged to organize conversations in their communities.

There are planned live discussions about the UCoC enforcement draft guidelines:

Wikimania 2021 session (recorded 16 August)
Conversation hours - 24 August, 31 August, 7 September @ 03:00 UTC & 14:00 UTC
Roundtable calls - 18 September @ 03:00 UTC & 15:00 UTC

Summaries of discussions will be posted every two weeks here.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Xeno (WMF) 00:59, 18. август 2021. (CEST)[одговори]

Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election has come to an end

Thank you for participating in the 2021 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees election! Voting closed August 31 at 23:59. The official data, including the four most voted candidates, will be announced as soon as the Elections Committee completes their review of the ballots. The official announcement of the new trustees appointed will happen later, once the selected candidates have been confirmed by the Board.

6,946 community members from 216 wiki projects have voted. This makes 10.2% global participation, 1.1% higher than in the last Board elections. In 2017, 5167 people from 202 wiki projects cast their vote. A full analysis is planned to be published in a few days when the confirmed results are announced. In the meantime, you can check the data produced during the election.

Diversity was an important goal with these elections. Messages about the Board election were translated into 61 languages. This outreach worked well. There were 70 communities with eligible voters voting in this election for the first time. With your help, next year’s Board of Trustees election will be even better.

22:58, 1. септембар 2021. (CEST)

The 2022 Community Wishlist Survey will happen in January

SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 02:24, 7. септембар 2021. (CEST)[одговори]

Call for Candidates for the Movement Charter Drafting Committee ending 14 September 2021

Movement Strategy announces the Call for Candidates for the Movement Charter Drafting Committee. The Call opens August 2, 2021 and closes September 14, 2021.

The Committee is expected to represent diversity in the Movement. Diversity includes gender, language, geography, and experience. This comprises participation in projects, affiliates, and the Wikimedia Foundation.

English fluency is not required to become a member. If needed, translation and interpretation support is provided. Members will receive an allowance to offset participation costs. It is US$100 every two months.

We are looking for people who have some of the following skills:

  • Know how to write collaboratively. (demonstrated experience is a plus)
  • Are ready to find compromises.
  • Focus on inclusion and diversity.
  • Have knowledge of community consultations.
  • Have intercultural communication experience.
  • Have governance or organization experience in non-profits or communities.
  • Have experience negotiating with different parties.

The Committee is expected to start with 15 people. If there are 20 or more candidates, a mixed election and selection process will happen. If there are 19 or fewer candidates, then the process of selection without election takes place.

Will you help move Wikimedia forward in this important role? Submit your candidacy here. Please contact strategy2030(_AT_)wikimedia.org with questions.

Xeno (WMF) 19:10, 10. септембар 2021. (CEST)[одговори]

Server switch

SGrabarczuk (WMF) (разговор) 02:46, 11. септембар 2021. (CEST)[одговори]

Talk to the Community Tech


Read this message in another languageПомозите у превођењу на свој језик


As we have recently announced, we, the team working on the Community Wishlist Survey, would like to invite you to an online meeting with us. It will take place on September 15th, 23:00 UTC on Zoom, and will last an hour. Click here to join.



The meeting will not be recorded or streamed. Notes without attribution will be taken and published on Meta-Wiki. The presentation (first three points in the agenda) will be given in English.

We can answer questions asked in English, French, Polish, and Spanish. If you would like to ask questions in advance, add them on the Community Wishlist Survey talk page or send to sgrabarczuk@wikimedia.org.

Natalia Rodriguez (the Community Tech manager) will be hosting this meeting.

Invitation link

See you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (разговор) 05:04, 11. септембар 2021. (CEST)[одговори]

Voting for the election for the members for the Movement Charter drafting committee is now open

Voting for the election for the members for the Movement Charter drafting committee is now open. In total, 70 Wikimedians from around the world are running for 7 seats in these elections.

Voting is open from October 12 to October 24, 2021.

The committee will consist of 15 members in total: The online communities vote for 7 members, 6 members will be selected by the Wikimedia affiliates through a parallel process, and 2 members will be appointed by the Wikimedia Foundation. The plan is to assemble the committee by November 1, 2021.

Learn about each candidate to inform your vote in the language that you prefer: <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Movement_Charter/Drafting_Committee/Candidates>

Learn about the Drafting Committee: <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Movement_Charter/Drafting_Committee>

We are piloting a voting advice application for this election. Click yourself through the tool and you will see which candidate is closest to you! Check at <https://mcdc-election-compass.toolforge.org/>

Read the full announcement: <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Movement_Charter/Drafting_Committee/Elections>

Go vote at SecurePoll on: <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Movement_Charter/Drafting_Committee/Elections>


Movement Strategy & Governance Team, Wikimedia Foundation

Xeno (WMF) 03:53, 15. октобар 2021. (CEST)[одговори]

Learn how Movement Strategy Implementation Grants can support your Movement Strategy plans

Movement Strategy Implementation grants now provide more than $2,000 USD to put Movement Strategy plans into action. Find out more about Movement Strategy Implementation grants, the criteria, and how to apply.

MNadzikiewicz (WMF) (talk) 13:30, 29 October 2021 (UTC)

Meet the new Movement Charter Drafting Committee members

The Movement Charter Drafting Committee election and selection processes are complete.

The committee will convene soon to start its work. The committee can appoint up to three more members to bridge diversity and expertise gaps.

If you are interested in engaging with Movement Charter drafting process, follow the updates on Meta and join the Telegram group.

With thanks from the Movement Strategy and Governance team

16:53, 5. новембар 2021. (CET)

Upcoming Call for Feedback about the Board of Trustees elections

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.

The Board of Trustees is preparing a call for feedback about the upcoming Board Elections, from January 7 - February 10, 2022.

While details will be finalized the week before the call, we have confirmed at least two questions that will be asked during this call for feedback:

  • What is the best way to ensure fair representation of emerging communities among the Board?
  • What involvement should candidates have during the election?

While additional questions may be added, the Movement Strategy and Governance team wants to provide time for community members and affiliates to consider and prepare ideas on the confirmed questions before the call opens. We apologize for not having a complete list of questions at this time. The list of questions should only grow by one or two questions. The intention is to not overwhelm the community with requests, but provide notice and welcome feedback on these important questions.

Do you want to help organize local conversation during this Call?

Contact the Movement Strategy and Governance team on Meta, on Telegram, or via email at msg(_AT_)wikimedia.org.

Reach out if you have any questions or concerns. The Movement Strategy and Governance team will be minimally staffed until January 3. Please excuse any delayed response during this time. We also recognize some community members and affiliates are offline during the December holidays. We apologize if our message has reached you while you are on holiday.


Movement Strategy and Governance

Хвала. Xeno (WMF) 18:50, 27. децембар 2021. (CET)[одговори]

Wiki Loves Folklore is back!

Помозите у превођењу на свој језик

You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 28th of February.

You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.

You can also organize a local contest in your country and support us in translating the project pages to help us spread the word in your native language.

Feel free to contact us on our project Talk page if you need any assistance.

Kind regards,

Wiki loves Folklore International Team

--MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 14:15, 9. јануар 2022. (CET)[одговори]

ВАЖНО: Преглед активности администратора

Здраво. Правило везано за уклањање "напредних права" (попут администратора, бирократа, итд.) је усвојено глобалним консензусом заједнице 2013-те године. Према овом правилу, стјуарди проверавају администраторску активност на свим викијима Викимедијине Фондације без правила везаних за неактивност. Према нашем најбољем сазнању, ваш вики нема формалан процес за уклањање "напредних права" неактивним налозима. Ово значи да ће се стјуарди за ово побринути према прегледу администраторске активности.

Утврдили смо да следећи корисници испуњавају критеријуме неактивности (без измена и без забележених акција више од две године):

  1. Dungodung (бирократа, администратор)
  2. Mickey Mystique (администратор)

Наведени корисници ће ускоро примити обавештење, тражећи од њих да започну дискусију заједнице уколико желе да задрже нека или сва своја права. Уколико корисници не одговоре, онда ће њихова напредна права бити уклоњена од стране стјуарда.

Међутим, ако бисте као заједница желели да креирате властити процес прегледа активности који замењује глобални, желите да донесете још једну одлуку о неактивним носиоцима права, или већ имате политику коју смо пропустили, молимо Вас да нас у том случају обавестите на стјуарде на Мета-викију тако да знамо да не треба наставити са разматрањем права на вашем викију. Хвала, Stanglavine (разговор) 19:25, 11. јануар 2022. (CET)[одговори]

Subscribe to the This Month in Education newsletter - learn from others and share your stories

Dear community members,

Greetings from the EWOC Newsletter team and the education team at Wikimedia Foundation. We are very excited to share that we on tenth years of Education Newsletter (This Month in Education) invite you to join us by subscribing to the newsletter on your talk page or by sharing your activities in the upcoming newsletters. The Wikimedia Education newsletter is a monthly newsletter that collects articles written by community members using Wikimedia projects in education around the world, and it is published by the EWOC Newsletter team in collaboration with the Education team. These stories can bring you new ideas to try, valuable insights about the success and challenges of our community members in running education programs in their context.

If your affiliate/language project is developing its own education initiatives, please remember to take advantage of this newsletter to publish your stories with the wider movement that shares your passion for education. You can submit newsletter articles in your own language or submit bilingual articles for the education newsletter. For the month of January the deadline to submit articles is on the 20th January. We look forward to reading your stories.

Older versions of this newsletter can be found in the complete archive.

More information about the newsletter can be found at Education/Newsletter/About.

For more information, please contact spatnaikШаблон:@wikimedia.org.

About This Month in Education · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery · For the team: ZI Jony (Talk), субота 6:10, 27 април 2024 (UTC)

Раднa групa за развој лидерства: Објава позива за прикупљање повратних информација

Ова порука је преведена на друге језике и доступна је на страници Мета-вики.

Поштовани чланови заједнице,

Тим за развој заједнице при Фондацији Викимедија подржава стварање глобалне Радне групе за развој лидерства под вођством заједнице. Сврха радне групе је да саветује рад на развоју лидерства.

Тим тражи повратне информације о одговорностима Радне групе за развој лидерства.
На овој Мета страници налази се предлог за Радну групу за развој лидерства и како можете да помогнете.
Повратне информације о предлогу ће се прикупљати од 7. до 25. фебруара 2022. године.

Своје сугестије и коментаре можете оставити овде или на Мета страници за разговор.

--BPipal (WMF) (разговор) 20:13, 9. фебруар 2022. (CET)[одговори]
Тим за стратегију и управљање покретом

Wiki Loves Folklore is extended till 15th March

Помозите у превођењу на свој језик

Greetings from Wiki Loves Folklore International Team,

We are pleased to inform you that Wiki Loves Folklore an international photographic contest on Wikimedia Commons has been extended till the 15th of March 2022. The scope of the contest is focused on folk culture of different regions on categories, such as, but not limited to, folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, etc.

We would like to have your immense participation in the photographic contest to document your local Folk culture on Wikipedia. You can also help with the translation of project pages and share a word in your local language.

Best wishes,

International Team
Wiki Loves Folklore

MediaWiki message delivery (разговор) 05:50, 22. фебруар 2022. (CET)[одговори]

Coming soon

- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 13:38, 28. фебруар 2022. (CET)[одговори]

Info about speedy deletion

Note:Sorry for writing you in English.
Hi all, I'm Superpes15, a member of the global sysops team. After consulting with your local admin FriedrickMILBarbarossa, I'm starting the procedures for the massive deletion of the pages already tagged for deletion. There are so many pages and we are checking everything. So I'm writing you to apologize if you see a lot of floods in RecentChanges, but I can't assign myself the "flood" (or "pseudobot") flag. I don't know if you have local policies regarding this flag, but in the absence I will flooder a bit, and everything will be public in Special:RecentChanges. For any questions or requests feel free to contact me. Best regards :) --Superpes15 (разговор) 23:50, 1. март 2022. (CET)[одговори]

Можеш обрисати све, ја сам обележио све за брисање јер сам и ја накуцао све те податке. У међувремену сам научио свашта тако да ми више није потребно ово. Хвала. А настављам даље онда поново са новим речима које дођу на обраду са новим дизајном. Увидео сам да ми је проблем комуникација и да ме људи не разумеју у мојим размишљањима. Asinis632 (разговор) 10:39, 2. март 2022. (CET). Поздрав. Asinis632 (разговор) 10:39, 2. март 2022. (CET)[одговори]