Резултати претраге

  • ^ (категорија Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms блок)
    "a", forms "â" with the stressed sound /ɐ/, as in ânion and momentâneo. In the letter "e", forms "ê" with the stressed sound /e/, as in nêutron and português…
    4 kB (507 речи) - 23:14, 26. јун 2022.
  • A (категорија Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms block)
    Person A had 5 apples, and person B... Ten, especially used in bases above ten, such as duodecimal, hexadecimal, vigesimal and so on. Decimal 270 can…
    63 kB (8.243 речи) - 13:14, 26. јул 2022.