
Документација модула[прикажи] [уреди] [историја] [освежи]

Грешка у скрипти: Не постоји модул „documentation/translit”.

local export = {}
local consonants = {
	['ᤁ']='k', ['ᤂ']='kh', ['ᤃ']='g', ['ᤄ']='gh', ['ᤅ']='ṅ', 
	['ᤆ']='c', ['ᤇ']='ch', ['ᤈ']='j', ['ᤉ']='jh', ['ᤊ']='ny',
	['ᤋ']='t', ['ᤌ']='th', ['ᤍ']='d', ['ᤎ']='dh', ['ᤏ']='n', 
	['ᤐ']='p', ['ᤑ']='ph', ['ᤒ']='b', ['ᤓ']='bh', ['ᤔ']='m', 
	['ᤕ']='y', ['ᤖ']='r', ['ᤗ']='l', ['ᤘ']='w', 
	['ᤙ']='ś', ['ᤚ']='ṣ', ['ᤛ']='s', ['ᤜ']='h', 
	['ᤝ']='gy', ['ᤞ']='tr', ['ᤀ']='',
local diacritics = {
	['ᤠ']='a' , ['ᤡ']='i' , ['ᤢ']='u' , ['ᤣ']='e' , ['ᤤ']='ai' , ['ᤥ']='o' , ['ᤦ']='au' , ['ᤧ']='ê' , ['ᤨ']='ô'

local special = {
	-- idk what to call these
	['᤺']='̄', --kemphreng (vowel lengthener)
	['᤹']='’', --mukphreng (glottalizer)
	['ᤲ'] = '̃', --anusvara (now obsolete)

local subjoined = {
	['ᤪ']='r', ['ᤫ']='w', ['ᤩ']='y',

local finals = {
	['ᤰ']='k', ['ᤱ']='ṅ', ['ᤳ']='t', ['ᤴ']='n', ['ᤵ']='p', ['ᤶ']='m', ['ᤷ']='r', ['ᤸ']='l',

local nonconsonants = { 
	-- digits
	['᥆'] = '0', ['᥇'] = '1', ['᥈'] = '2', ['᥉'] = '3', ['᥊'] = '4',
	['᥋'] = '5', ['᥌'] = '6', ['᥍'] = '7', ['᥎'] = '8', ['᥏'] = '9',
	['॥']='.', ['᥄']='!', ['᥅']='?',

-- translit any words or phrases
function export.tr(text, lang, sc)
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '([ᤁᤂᤃᤄᤅᤆᤇᤈᤉᤊᤋᤌᤍᤎᤏᤐᤑᤒᤓᤔᤕᤖᤗᤘᤙᤚᤛᤜᤝᤞᤀ])᤻', '᤺%1⌫') -- treat underscore as kemphreng
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(
		'([ᤠᤡᤢᤣᤤᤥᤦᤧ	ᤨ]?)'..
		function(c, d, e, f, g)
			-- mw.log('match', c, d)
			return (consonants[c] or c) ..
					(subjoined[d] or d) ..
					(diacritics[e] or (e ~= "") and e or 'ô') ..
					(special[f] or f) ..
					(finals[g] or g)
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '.', nonconsonants)
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '(.)⌫', '')
	return mw.ustring.toNFC(text)
return export