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Документацију овог модула можете да направите на страници Модул:checkparams/док

local m_str_utils = require("Модул:string utilities")

local concat = table.concat
local find_arguments = require("Модул:template parser").findArguments
local format_categories = require("Модул:utilities").format_categories
local gsplit = m_str_utils.gsplit
local html_create = mw.html.create
local insert = table.insert
local match = string.match
local new_title = mw.title.new
local next = next
local pairs = pairs
local process_params = require("Модул:parameters").process
local scribunto_param_key = m_str_utils.scribunto_param_key
local select = select
local sort = table.sort
local tostring = tostring
local type = type

local export = {}

local function get_template_title(frame)
	return frame:getParent():getTitle()

local function get_template_content(frame)
	return new_title(get_template_title(frame)):getContent()

local function get_allowed_args(frame)
	-- returns a table of allowed args
	local args = {}
	-- first, detect all args used by the parent template
	-- find_arguments takes the parent argument table as the second parameter so that argument names can be preprocessed, since these can vary based on the input if an argument name contains another argument (e.g. {{{foo{{{bar}}}baz}}})
	for arg in find_arguments(get_template_content(frame), frame:getParent().args) do
		args[arg] = {}
	-- if frame.args[1] contains a comma separated list of param names, add those as well
	local additional = frame.args[1]
	if additional then
		for arg in gsplit(additional, ",", true) do
			-- scribunto_param_key normalizes the arg into the form returned by find_arguments (i.e. trimmed and converted to a number if appropriate)
			arg = scribunto_param_key(arg)
			if not args[arg] then
				args[arg] = {}
	return args

local function compare_params(a, b)
	a, b = a[1], b[1]
	local type_a = type(a)
	if type_a == type(b) then
		return a < b
	return type_a == "number"

local function sort_params(invalid_args)
	-- sort a table of parameters in the form {k, v}, sorting numbers before strings
	local msg = {}
	for k, v in pairs(invalid_args) do
		insert(msg, {k, v})
	sort(msg, compare_params)
	for i = 1, #msg do
		msg[i] = concat(msg[i], "=")
	return msg

local function apply_pre_tag(invalid_args)
	-- "\n " is is the only straightforward way to apply <pre> formatting to error messages.
	return "\n " .. concat(invalid_args, "\n ") .. "\n"

local function make_message(template_name, invalid_args, no_link)	
	local open = no_link and "" or "[["
	local close = no_link and "" or "]]"
	return "The template " .. open .. template_name .. close .. " does not use the parameter(s): " .. invalid_args .. "Please see " .. open .. "Module:checkparams" .. close .. " for help with this warning.\n\n"

local function make_warning_text(template_name, invalid_args, nowarn, noattn, nocat)
	-- generate "Invalid params" warning to be inserted into wiki page
	-- template_name (required) name of the template with invalid params
	-- invalid_args (required) table of invalid args
	-- nocat= (optional) do not included category in warning_text
	-- noattn= (optional) do not include attention seeking span in in warning_text
	-- nowarn= (optional) do not include preview warning in warning_text
	local warn, attn, cat
	-- show warning in previewer
	if not nowarn then
		warn = tostring(html_create("div")
				:wikitext(make_message(template_name, apply_pre_tag(invalid_args)))
	-- add attentionseeking message
	-- <pre> tags don't work in HTML attributes, so use semicolons as delimiters
	if not noattn then
		attn = tostring(html_create("span")
			:attr("title", make_message(template_name, concat(invalid_args, "; ") .. ".", "no_link"))
	if not nocat then
		cat = format_categories(
			{"Pages using bad params when calling " .. template_name},
	return (warn or "") .. (attn or "") .. (cat or "") 

local function remove_placeholder_args(allowed_params, invalid_args)
	-- some templates use params 1 and 3 without using 2,
	-- which means that 2 will be in the list of invalid args
	-- when used as an empty placeholder like in {{foo|1||3}}
	-- this function will detect and remove any empty positionaly placeholder args
	-- from a list of invalid_args
	local max_pos = 0
	for param in pairs(allowed_params) do
		if type(param) == "number" and param > max_pos then
			max_pos = param
	for param in pairs(invalid_args) do
		if (
			type(param) == "number" and
			param >= 1 and
			param < max_pos and
			not match(invalid_args[param], "[^%z\t-\v\r ]") -- charset used by MediaWiki to trim parameters
		) then
			invalid_args[param] = nil

function export.process(frame, allowed_params, nowarn, noattn, nocat)
	-- This is desgined to be called by other Lua modules instead of calling Module:parameters.process()
	-- frame - the frame containing the arguments to be checked
	-- allowed_params - a table of valid arguments
	-- nocat - if specified, will not included category in warning_text
	-- noattn - if specified, will not include attention seeking span in in warning_text
	-- nowarn - if specified, will not include preview warning in warning_text
	-- returns valid_args, invalid_args, warning_text
	local valid_args, invalid_args = process_params(
		"return unknown"
	if next(invalid_args) then
		remove_placeholder_args(allowed_params, invalid_args)
	if next(invalid_args) then
		local template_name = frame:getTitle()
		return valid_args, invalid_args, make_warning_text(template_name, sort_params(invalid_args), nowarn, noattn, nocat)
	return valid_args, invalid_args, ""

function export.warn(frame)
	-- This is designed to be called by non-Lua templates using "{{#invoke:checkparams|warn}}"
	-- the passed frame is checked for the following params:
	-- 1= (optional) a comma separated list of allowed parameters - if not specified, allows all parameters used as variables inside the template
	-- nowarn= (optional) do not include preview warning in warning_text
	-- noattn= (optional) do not include attention seeking span in in warning_text
	-- nocat= (optional) do not included category in warning_text
	local args = frame.args
	return select(3, export.process(
		args.nowarn or false,
		args.noattn or false,
		args.nocat or false

function export.error(frame)
	-- This is designed to be called by non-Lua templates using "{{#invoke:checkparams|error}}"
	-- the passed frame is checked for the following params:
	-- 1= (optional) a comma separated list of allowed parameters - if not specified, allows all parameters used as variables inside the template
	local allowed_args = get_allowed_args(frame)
	local invalid_args = select(2, process_params(
		"return unknown"
	if next(invalid_args) then
		remove_placeholder_args(allowed_args, invalid_args)
	-- Use formatted_error, so that we can use <pre> tags in error messages: any whitespace which isn't trimmed is treated as literal, so errors caused by double-spaces or erroneous newlines in inputs need to be displayed accurately.
	if next(invalid_args) then
		error(make_message(get_template_title(frame), apply_pre_tag(sort_params(invalid_args))))

return export