Пређи на садржај

Модул:category tree/poscatboiler/data/terms by etymology

Script error: The function "main" does not exist.

local m_str_utils = require("Модул:string utilities")

local labels = {}
local raw_categories = {}
local handlers = {}
local raw_handlers = {}

--                                                                         --
--                                  LABELS                                 --
--                                                                         --

labels["термини по етимологији"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms categorized by their etymologies.",
	umbrella_parents = "Почетак",
	parents = {{name = "{{{langcat}}}", raw = true}},

labels["AABB-type reduplications"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that underwent [[reduplication]] in an AABB pattern.",
	breadcrumb = "AABB-type",
	parents = {"reduplications"},

labels["apophonic reduplications"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that underwent [[reduplication]] with only a change in a vowel sound.",
	breadcrumb = "apophonic",
	parents = {"reduplications"},

labels["back-formations"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms formed by reversing a supposed regular formation, removing part of an older term.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["blends"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms formed by combinations of other words.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["позајмљени изрази"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are loanwords, i.e. terms that were directly incorporated from another language.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["catachreses"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms derived from misuses or misapplications of other terms.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["coinages"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms coined by an identifiable person, organization or other such entity.",
	parents = {"terms attributed to a specific source"},
	umbrella_parents = {name = "terms attributed to a specific source", is_label = true, sort = " "},

labels["coordinated pairs"] = {
	description = "Terms in {{{langname}}} consisting of a pair of terms joined by a [[coordinating conjunction]].",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["coordinated triples"] = {
	description = "Terms in {{{langname}}} consisting of three terms joined by one or more [[coordinating conjunction]]s.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["coordinated quadruples"] = {
	description = "Terms in {{{langname}}} consisting of four terms joined by one or more [[coordinating conjunction]]s.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["coordinated quintuples"] = {
	description = "Terms in {{{langname}}} consisting of five terms joined by one or more [[coordinating conjunction]]s.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["denominals"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms derived from a noun.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["deverbals"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms derived from a verb.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["дублети"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that trace their etymology from ultimately the same source as other terms in the same language, but by different routes, and often with subtly or substantially different meanings.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["elongated forms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms where one or more letters or sounds is repeated for emphasis or effect.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["епоними"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms derived from names of real or fictitious people.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["genericized trademarks"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that originate from [[trademark]]s, [[brand]]s and company names which have become [[genericized]]; that is, fallen into common usage in the target market's [[vernacular]], even when referring to other competing brands.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији", "trademarks"},

labels["ghost words"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that were originally erroneous or fictitious, published in a reference work as if they were genuine as a result of typographical error, misreading, or misinterpretation, or as [[:w:Fictitious entry|fictitious entries]], jokes, or hoaxes.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["haplological words"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} words that underwent [[haplology]]: thus, their origin involved a loss or omission of a repeated sequence of sounds.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["homophonic translations"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that were borrowed by matching the etymon phonetically, without regard for the sense; compare [[phono-semantic matching]] and [[Hobson-Jobson]].",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"}

labels["hybridisms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms formed by elements of different linguistic origins.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["наслеђени изрази"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that were inherited from an earlier stage of the language.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["internationalisms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} loanwords which also exist in many other languages with the same or similar etymology.",
	additional = "Terms should be here preferably only if the immediate source language is not known for certain. Entries are added into this category by [[Template:internationalism]]; see it for more information.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["legal doublets"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} legal [[doublet]]s – a legal doublet is a standardized phrase commonly use in legal documents, proceedings etc. which includes two words that are near synonyms.",
	parents = {"coordinated pairs"},

labels["legal triplets"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} legal [[triplet]]s – a legal triplet is a standardized phrase commonly use in legal documents, proceedings etc which includes three words that are near synonyms.",
	parents = {"coordinated triples"},

labels["merisms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} [[merism]]s – terms that are [[coordinate]]s that, combined, are a synonym for a totality.",
	parents = {"coordinated pairs"},

labels["metonyms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms whose origin involves calling a thing or concept not by its own name, but by the name of something intimately associated with that thing or concept.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["neologisms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that have been only recently acknowledged.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["nonce terms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that have been invented for a single occasion.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["numeronyms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that contain numerals.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["onomatopoeias"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that were coined to sound like what they represent.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["piecewise doublets"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are [[Appendix:Glossary#piecewise doublet|piecewise doublets]].",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

for _, ism_and_langname in ipairs({
	{"anglicisms", "Енглески"},
	{"Arabisms", "Arabic"},
	{"Gallicisms", "French"},
	{"Germanisms", "German"},
	{"Hispanisms", "Spanish"},
	{"Italianisms", "Italian"},
	{"Latinisms", "Latin"},
	{"Japonisms", "Japanese"},
}) do
	local ism, langname = unpack(ism_and_langname)
	labels["pseudo-" .. ism] = {
		description = "{{{langname}}} terms that appear to be " .. langname .. ", but are not used or have an unrelated meaning in " .. langname .. " itself.",
		parents = {"pseudo-loans"},
		umbrella_parents = {name = "pseudo-loans", is_label = true, sort = " "},

labels["rebracketings"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that have interacted with another word in such a way that the boundary between the words has been modified.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"}

labels["reconstructed terms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are not directly attested, but have been reconstructed through other evidence.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"}

labels["reduplicated coordinated pairs"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} reduplicated coordinated pairs.",
	breadcrumb = "reduplicated",
	parents = {"coordinated pairs", "reduplications"},

labels["reduplicated coordinated triples"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} reduplicated coordinated triples.",
	breadcrumb = "reduplicated",
	parents = {"coordinated triples", "reduplications"},

labels["reduplicated coordinated quadruples"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} reduplicated coordinated quadruples.",
	breadcrumb = "reduplicated",
	parents = {"coordinated quadruples", "reduplications"},

labels["reduplicated coordinated quintuples"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} reduplicated coordinated quintuples.",
	breadcrumb = "reduplicated",
	parents = {"coordinated quintuples", "reduplications"},

labels["reduplications"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that underwent [[reduplication]], so their origin involved a repetition of roots or stems.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["retronyms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that serve as new unique names for older objects or concepts whose previous names became ambiguous.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["корени"] = {
	description = "Basic morphemes from which {{{langname}}} words are formed.",
	parents = {"морфеме"},

labels["корени по облику"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} roots categorized by their shape.",
	breadcrumb = "по облику",
	parents = {{name = "корени", sort = "облик"}},

labels["Sanskritic formations"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms coined from [[tatsama]] [[word]]s and/or [[affix]]es.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији", "термини изведени од Санскрт"},

labels["sound-symbolic terms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that use {{w|sound symbolism}} to express ideas but which are not necessarily strictly speaking [[onomatopoeic]].",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["spelled-out initialisms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} initialisms in which the letter names are spelled out.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["spelling pronunciations"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms whose pronunciation was historically or presently affected by their spelling.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["spoonerisms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms in which the initial sounds of component parts have been exchanged, as in \"crook and nanny\" for \"nook and cranny\".",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["taxonomic eponyms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms derived from names of real or fictitious people, used for [[taxonomy]].",
	parents = {"eponyms"},

labels["terms attributed to a specific source"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms coined by an identifiable person or deriving from a known work.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["terms containing fossilized case endings"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms which preserve case morphology which is no longer analyzable within the contemporary grammatical system or which has been entirely lost from the language.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["terms derived from area codes"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms derived from [[area code]]s.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["terms derived from the shape of letters"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms derived from the shape of letters. This can include terms derived from the shape of any letter in any alphabet.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["појмови по корену"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms categorized by the root they originate from.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији", {name = "корени", sort = " "}},

labels["terms derived from fiction"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that originate from works of [[fiction]].",
	breadcrumb = "fiction",
	parents = {{name = "terms attributed to a specific source", sort = "fiction"}},

for _, data in ipairs {
	{source="Dickensian works", desc="the works of [[w:Charles Dickens|Charles Dickens]]", topic_parent="Чарлс Дикенс"},
	{source="DC Comics", desc="[[w:DC Comics|DC Comics]]"},
	{source="Doraemon", desc="[[w:Fujiko F. Fujio|Fujiko F. Fujio]]'s ''[[w:Doraemon|Doraemon]]''", displaytitle="''Doraemon''"},
	{source="Dragon Ball", desc="[[w:Akira Toriyama|Akira Toriyama]]'s ''[[w:Dragon Ball|Dragon Ball]]''", displaytitle="''Dragon Ball''"},
	{source="Duckburg and Mouseton", desc="[[w:The Walt Disney Company|Disney]]'s [[w:Duck universe|Duckburg]] and [[w:Mickey Mouse universe|Mouseton]] universe",
	{source="Futurama", desc="the animated television series ''{{w|Futurama}}''", displaytitle = "''Futurama''"},
	{source="Harry Potter", desc="the ''[[w:Harry Potter|Harry Potter]]'' series", displaytitle="''Harry Potter''",
		topic_parent="Harry Potter"},
	{source="Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies", desc="''{{w|Looney Tunes}}'' and/or ''{{w|Merrie Melodies}}'', by {{w|Warner Bros. Animation}}", displaytitle = "''Looney Tunes'' and ''Merrie Melodies''"},
	{source="Nineteen Eighty-Four", desc="[[w:George Orwell|George Orwell]]'s ''[[w:Nineteen Eighty-Four|Nineteen Eighty-Four]]''",
		displaytitle="''Nineteen Eighty-Four''"},
	{source="Seinfeld", desc="the American television sitcom ''{{w|Seinfeld}}'' (1989–1998)", displaytitle="''Seinfeld''"},
	{source="South Park", desc="the animated television series ''[[w:South Park|South Park]]''", displaytitle="''South Park''"},
	{source="Star Trek", desc="''[[w:Star Trek|Star Trek]]''", displaytitle="''Star Trek''", topic_parent="Star Trek"},
	{source="Star Wars", desc="''[[w:Star Wars|Star Wars]]''", displaytitle="''Star Wars''", topic_parent="Star Wars"},
	{source="The Simpsons", desc="''[[w:The Simpsons|The Simpsons]]''", displaytitle="''The Simpsons''", topic_parent="The Simpsons", sort="Simpsons"},
	{source="Tolkien's legendarium", desc="the [[legendarium]] of [[w:J. R. R. Tolkien|J. R. R. Tolkien]]", topic_parent="J. R. R. Tolkien"},
} do
	local parents = {{name = "terms derived from fiction", sort = data.sort or data.source}}
	local umbrella_parents = {"Термини по етимолошким подкатегоријама по језику"}
	if data.topic_parent then
		table.insert(parents, {module = "topic cat", args = {label = data.topic_parent, code = "{{{langcode}}}"}})
		table.insert(umbrella_parents, {module = "topic cat", args = {label = data.topic_parent}})
	labels["термини изведени од " .. data.source] = {
		description = "{{{langname}}} terms that originate from " .. data.desc .. ".",
		breadcrumb = data.displaytitle or data.source,
		parents = parents,
		umbrella = {
			parents = umbrella_parents,
			displaytitle = data.displaytitle and "Термини изведени од " .. data.displaytitle .. " по језику" or nil,
			breadcrumb = data.displaytitle and "Термини изведени од " .. data.displaytitle,
		displaytitle = data.displaytitle and "{{{langname}}} термини изведени од " .. data.displaytitle or nil,

labels["terms derived from Greek mythology"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms derived from Greek mythology which have acquired an idiomatic meaning.",
	breadcrumb = "Greek mythology",
	parents = {{name = "terms attributed to a specific source", sort = "Greek mythology"}},

labels["terms derived from occupations"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms derived from names of occupations.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["термини изведени од осталих језика"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that originate from other languages.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["terms derived from the Bible"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that originate from the [[Bible]].",
	breadcrumb = {name = "the Bible", nocap = true},
	parents = {{name = "terms attributed to a specific source", sort = "Bible"}},

labels["terms derived from Aesop's Fables"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that originate from [[Aesop]]'s Fables.",
	breadcrumb = "Aesop's Fables",
	parents = {{name = "terms attributed to a specific source", sort = "Aesop's Fables"}},

labels["terms derived from toponyms"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms derived from names of real or fictitious places.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["terms derived through romanized wordplay"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms derived through romanized wordplay.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["terms making reference to character shapes"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms making reference to character shapes.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["terms derived from sports"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that originate from sports.",
	breadcrumb = "sports",
	parents = {{name = "terms attributed to a specific source", sort = "sports"}},

labels["terms derived from baseball"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that originate from baseball.",
	breadcrumb = "baseball",
	parents = {{name = "terms derived from sports", sort = "baseball"}},

labels["термини са Индо-Аријан екстензијама"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms extended with particular [[Indo-Aryan]] [[pleonastic]] affixes.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["terms with lemma and non-lemma form etymologies"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms consisting of both a lemma and non-lemma form, of different origins.",
	breadcrumb = "lemma and non-lemma form",
	parents = {"terms with multiple etymologies"},

labels["terms with multiple etymologies"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that are derived from multiple origins.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["terms with multiple lemma etymologies"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} lemmas that are derived from multiple origins.",
	breadcrumb = "multiple lemmas",
	parents = {"terms with multiple etymologies"},

labels["terms with multiple non-lemma form etymologies"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} non-lemma forms that are derived from multiple origins.",
	breadcrumb = "multiple non-lemma forms",
	parents = {"terms with multiple etymologies"},

labels["термини са непознатим етимологијама"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms whose etymologies have not yet been established.",
	parents = {{name = "термини по етимологији", sort = "unknown etymology"}},

labels["univerbations"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} terms that result from the agglutination of two or more words.",
	parents = {"термини по етимологији"},

labels["words derived through metathesis"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} words that were created through [[metathesis]] from another word.",
	parents = {{name = "термини по етимологији", sort = "metathesis"}},

-- Add 'umbrella_parents' key if not already present.
for key, data in pairs(labels) do
	-- NOTE: umbrella.parents overrides umbrella_parents if both are given.
	if not data.umbrella_parents then
		data.umbrella_parents = "Термини по етимолошким подкатегоријама по језику"

--                                                                         --
--                              RAW CATEGORIES                             --
--                                                                         --

raw_categories["Термини по етимолошким подкатегоријама по језику"] = {
	description = "Umbrella categories covering topics related to terms categorized by their etymologies, such as types of compounds or borrowings.",
	additional = "{{{umbrella_meta_msg}}}",
	parents = {
		"Кишобран метакатегорија",
		{name = "термини по етимологији", is_label = true, sort = " "},

raw_categories["Позајмљени термини подкатегорије по језику"] = {
	description = "Umbrella categories covering topics related to borrowed terms.",
	additional = "{{{umbrella_meta_msg}}}",
	parents = {
		"Кишобран метакатегорија",
		{name = "позајмљени изрази", is_label = true, sort = " "},
		{name = "Термини по етимолошким подкатегоријама по језику", sort = " "},

raw_categories["Наслеђени термини подкатегорије по језику"] = {
	description = "Umbrella categories covering topics related to inherited terms.",
	additional = "{{{umbrella_meta_msg}}}",
	parents = {
		"Кишобран метакатегорија",
		{name = "наслеђени изрази", is_label = true, sort = " "},
		{name = "Термини по етимолошким подкатегоријама по језику", sort = " "},

raw_categories["Индо-Аријан екстензије"] = {
	description = "Umbrella categories covering terms extended with particular [[Indo-Aryan]] [[pleonastic]] affixes.",
	additional = "{{{umbrella_meta_msg}}}",
	parents = {
		"Кишобран метакатегорија",
		{name = "Термини по етимолошким подкатегоријама по језику", sort = " "},

raw_categories["Више етимолошких подкатекорија по језику"] = {
	description = "Umbrella categories covering topics related to terms with multiple etymologies.",
	additional = "{{{umbrella_meta_msg}}}",
	parents = {
		"Кишобран метакатегорија",
		{name = "Термини по етимолошким подкатегоријама по језику", sort = " "},

raw_categories["Terms borrowed back into the same language"] = {
	description = "Categories with terms in specific languages that were borrowed from a second language that previously borrowed the term from the first language.",
	additional = "A well-known example is {{m+|en|salaryman}}, a term borrowed from Japanese which in turn was borrowed from the English words [[salary]] and [[man]].\n\n{{{umbrella_msg}}}",
	parents = "Термини по етимолошким подкатегоријама по језику",

--                                                                         --
--                                 HANDLERS                                --
--                                                                         --

------------------------------- word handlers -------------------------------

-- Handlers for 'terms derived from the SOURCE word word' must go *BEFORE* the
-- more general 'terms derived from SOURCE' handler.

local function get_source_and_type_desc(source, term_type)
	if source:getCode() == "ine-pro" and term_type:find("^words?$") then
		return "[[w:Proto-Indo-European word|Proto-Indo-European " .. term_type .. "]]"
		return "[[w:" .. source:getWikipediaArticle() .. "|" .. source:getCanonicalName() .. "]] " .. term_type

-- Handler for e.g. [[:Category:Yola terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European word *h₂el- (grow)]] and
-- [[:Category:Russian terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European word *swé]], and corresponding umbrella
-- categories [[:Category:Terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European word *h₂el- (grow)]] and
-- [[:Category:Terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European word *swé]]. Replaces the former
-- [[Module:category tree/PIE word cat]], [[Module:category tree/word cat]] and [[Template:PIE word cat]].
table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local source_name, term_type, term_and_id = data.label:match("^terms derived from the (.+) (word) (.+)$")
	if not source_name then
		source_name, term_type, term_and_id = data.label:match("^terms derived from the (.+) (word) (.+)$")
	if not source_name then
		source_name, term_type, term_and_id = data.label:match("^terms derived from the (.+) (term) (.+)$")

	if source_name then
		local term, id = term_and_id:match("^(.+) %((.-)%)$")
		term = term or term_and_id
		local source = require("Модул:languages").getByCanonicalName(source_name, true, "allow etym langs")

		local parents = {
			{ name = "термини по " .. source_name .. " " .. term_type, sort = (source:makeSortKey(term)) }
		local umbrella_parents = {
			{ name = "Термини изведени од " .. source_name .. " " .. term_type .. "", sort = (source:makeSortKey(term)) }
		if id then
			table.insert(parents, { name = "термини изведени од " .. source_name .. " " .. term_type .. " " .. term, sort = " "})
			table.insert(umbrella_parents, { name = "термини изведени од " .. source_name .. " " .. term_type .. " " .. term, is_label = true, sort = " "})
		-- Italicize the word/word in the title.
		local function displaytitle(title, lang)
			return m_str_utils.plain_gsub(title, term, require("Модул:script utilities").tag_text(term, source, nil, "term"))
		local breadcrumb = require("Модул:script utilities").tag_text(term, source, nil, "term") .. (id and " (" .. id .. ")" or "")
		return {
			description = "{{{langname}}} terms that originate ultimately from the " .. get_source_and_type_desc(source, term_type) .. " " ..
				require("Модул:links").full_link({ term = term, lang = source, gloss = id, id = id }, "term") .. ".",
			displaytitle = displaytitle,
			breadcrumb = breadcrumb,
			parents = parents,
			umbrella = {
				no_by_language = true,
				displaytitle = displaytitle,
				breadcrumb = breadcrumb,
				parents = umbrella_parents,

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local labelpref, word_and_id = data.label:match("^(термини који припадају to the word )(.+)$")
	if word_and_id then
		local word, id = word_and_id:match("^(.+) %((.-)%)$")
		word = word or word_and_id

		-- See if the language is Semitic.
		local fam = data.lang
		local is_semitic = false
		while true do
			if not fam then
			if fam:getCode() == "qfa-not" then
				-- qfa-not is "not a family" and is its own parent
			if fam:getCode() == "sem" then
				is_semitic = true
			fam = fam:getFamily()
		local word_desc = is_semitic and "[[w:Semitic word|word]]" or "word"
		local parents = {}
		if id then
			table.insert(parents, {name = labelpref .. word, sort = id})
		table.insert(parents, {name = "термини по речи", sort = word_and_id})
		local separators = "־ %-"
		local separator_c = "[" .. separators .. "]"
		local not_separator_c = "[^" .. separators .. "]"
		-- remove any leading or trailing separators (e.g. in PIE-style words)
		local word_no_prefix_suffix =
			mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(word, separator_c .. "$", ""), "^" .. separator_c, "")
		local num_sep = mw.ustring.len(mw.ustring.gsub(word_no_prefix_suffix, not_separator_c, ""))
		local linked_word = data.lang and require("Модул:links").full_link({ term = word, lang = data.lang, gloss = id, id = id }, "term") or word
		if num_sep > 0 then
			table.insert(parents, {name = "" .. (num_sep + 1) .. "-letter words", sort = word_and_id})
		-- Italicize the word/word in the title.
		local function displaytitle(title, lang)
			return m_str_utils.plain_gsub(title, word, require("Модул:script utilities").tag_text(word, lang, nil, "term"))
		local breadcrumb = require("Модул:script utilities").tag_text(word, data.lang, nil, "term") .. (id and " (" .. id .. ")" or "")
		return {
			description = "{{{langname}}} terms that belong to the " .. word_desc .. " " .. linked_word .. ".",
			displaytitle = displaytitle,
			breadcrumb = breadcrumb,
			parents = parents,
			umbrella = false,

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local num_letters = data.label:match("^([1-9]%d*)-letter words$")
	if num_letters then
		return {
			description = "{{{langname}}} words with " .. num_letters .. " letters in them.",
			parents = {{name = "words", sort = "#" .. num_letters}},
			umbrella_parents = "Термини по етимолошким подкатегоријама по језику",

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local source_name = data.label:match("^термини по (.+) речи$")
	if source_name then
		local source = require("Модул:languages").getByCanonicalName(source_name, true, "allow etym langs")
		local parents = {"термини по етимологији"}
		-- In [[:Category:Proto-Indo-Iranian terms by Proto-Indo-Iranian word]],
		-- don't add parent [[:Category:Proto-Indo-Iranian terms derived from Proto-Indo-Iranian]].
		if not data.lang or data.lang:getCode() ~= source:getCode() then
			table.insert(parents, "термини изведени од " .. source_name)
		return {
			description = "{{{langname}}} terms categorized by the " .. get_source_and_type_desc(source, "word") .. " they originate from.",
			parents = parents,
			umbrella_parents = "Термини по етимолошким подкатегоријама по језику",

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local word_shape = data.label:match("^(.+)-shape words$")
	if word_shape then
		local description = "{{{langname}}} words with the shape ''" .. word_shape .. "''."
		local additional
		if data.lang and data.lang:getCode() == "ine-pro" then
			additional = [=[
* '''e''' stands for the vowel of the word.
* '''C''' stands for any stop or ''s''.
* '''R''' stands for any resonant.
* '''H''' stands for any laryngeal.
* '''M''' stands for ''m'' or ''w'', when followed by a resonant.
* '''s''' stands for ''s'', when next to a stop.]=]
		return {
			description = description,
			additional = additional,
			breadcrumb = word_shape,
			parents = {{name = "words by shape", sort = word_shape}},
			umbrella = false,

------------------------------- Root handlers -------------------------------

-- Handlers for 'terms derived from the SOURCE root ROOT' must go *BEFORE* the
-- more general 'terms derived from SOURCE' handler.

local function get_source_and_type_desc(source, term_type)
	if source:getCode() == "ine-pro" and term_type:find("^корена?$") then
		return "[[w:Proto-Indo-European root|Proto-Indo-European " .. term_type .. "]]"
		return "[[w:" .. source:getWikipediaArticle() .. "|" .. source:getCanonicalName() .. "]] " .. term_type

-- Handler for e.g. [[:Category:Yola terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *h₂el- (grow)]] and
-- [[:Category:Russian terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European word *swé]], and corresponding umbrella
-- categories [[:Category:Terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *h₂el- (grow)]] and
-- [[:Category:Terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European word *swé]]. Replaces the former
-- [[Module:category tree/PIE root cat]], [[Module:category tree/root cat]] and [[Template:PIE word cat]].
table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local source_name, term_type, term_and_id = data.label:match("^термини изведени од (.+) (корена) (.+)$")
	if not source_name then
		source_name, term_type, term_and_id = data.label:match("^термини изведени од  (.+) (речи) (.+)$")
	if not source_name then
		source_name, term_type, term_and_id = data.label:match("^термини изведени од (.+) (термина) (.+)$")

	if source_name then
		local term, id = term_and_id:match("^(.+) %((.-)%)$")
		term = term or term_and_id
		local source = require("Модул:languages").getByCanonicalName(source_name, true, "allow etym langs")

		local parents = {
			{ name = "термини по " .. source_name .. " " .. term_type, sort = (source:makeSortKey(term)) }
		local umbrella_parents = {
			{ name = "Термини изведени од " .. source_name .. " " .. term_type .. "", sort = (source:makeSortKey(term)) }
		if id then
			table.insert(parents, { name = "термини изведени од " .. source_name .. " " .. term_type .. " " .. term, sort = " "})
			table.insert(umbrella_parents, { name = "термини изведени од " .. source_name .. " " .. term_type .. " " .. term, is_label = true, sort = " "})
		-- Italicize the root/word in the title.
		local function displaytitle(title, lang)
			return m_str_utils.plain_gsub(title, term, require("Модул:script utilities").tag_text(term, source, nil, "term"))
		local breadcrumb = require("Модул:script utilities").tag_text(term, source, nil, "term") .. (id and " (" .. id .. ")" or "")
		return {
			description = "{{{langname}}} terms that originate ultimately from the " .. get_source_and_type_desc(source, term_type) .. " " ..
				require("Модул:links").full_link({ term = term, lang = source, gloss = id, id = id }, "term") .. ".",
			displaytitle = displaytitle,
			breadcrumb = breadcrumb,
			parents = parents,
			umbrella = {
				no_by_language = true,
				displaytitle = displaytitle,
				breadcrumb = breadcrumb,
				parents = umbrella_parents,

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local labelpref, root_and_id = data.label:match("^(термини који припадају корену )(.+)$")
	if root_and_id then
		local root, id = root_and_id:match("^(.+) %((.-)%)$")
		root = root or root_and_id

		-- See if the language is Semitic.
		local fam = data.lang
		local is_semitic = false
		while true do
			if not fam then
			if fam:getCode() == "qfa-not" then
				-- qfa-not is "not a family" and is its own parent
			if fam:getCode() == "sem" then
				is_semitic = true
			fam = fam:getFamily()
		local root_desc = is_semitic and "[[w:Semitic root|root]]" or "root"
		local parents = {}
		if id then
			table.insert(parents, {name = labelpref .. root, sort = id})
		table.insert(parents, {name = "појмови по корену", sort = root_and_id})
		local separators = "־ %-"
		local separator_c = "[" .. separators .. "]"
		local not_separator_c = "[^" .. separators .. "]"
		-- remove any leading or trailing separators (e.g. in PIE-style roots)
		local root_no_prefix_suffix =
			mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(root, separator_c .. "$", ""), "^" .. separator_c, "")
		local num_sep = mw.ustring.len(mw.ustring.gsub(root_no_prefix_suffix, not_separator_c, ""))
		local linked_root = data.lang and require("Модул:links").full_link({ term = root, lang = data.lang, gloss = id, id = id }, "term") or root
		if num_sep > 0 then
			table.insert(parents, {name = "" .. (num_sep + 1) .. "-слова корени", sort = root_and_id})
		-- Italicize the root/word in the title.
		local function displaytitle(title, lang)
			return m_str_utils.plain_gsub(title, root, require("Модул:script utilities").tag_text(root, lang, nil, "term"))
		local breadcrumb = require("Модул:script utilities").tag_text(root, data.lang, nil, "term") .. (id and " (" .. id .. ")" or "")
		return {
			description = "{{{langname}}} terms that belong to the " .. root_desc .. " " .. linked_root .. ".",
			displaytitle = displaytitle,
			breadcrumb = breadcrumb,
			parents = parents,
			umbrella = false,

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local num_letters = data.label:match("^([1-9]%d*)-слова корени$")
	if num_letters then
		return {
			description = "{{{langname}}} корени са " .. num_letters .. " слова у њима.",
			parents = {{name = "корени", sort = "#" .. num_letters}},
			umbrella_parents = "Термини по етимолошким подкатегоријама по језику",

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local source_name = data.label:match("^термини по (.+) корену$")
	if source_name then
		local source = require("Модул:languages").getByCanonicalName(source_name, true, "allow etym langs")
		local parents = {"термини по етимологији"}
		-- In [[:Category:Proto-Indo-Iranian terms by Proto-Indo-Iranian root]],
		-- don't add parent [[:Category:Proto-Indo-Iranian terms derived from Proto-Indo-Iranian]].
		if not data.lang or data.lang:getCode() ~= source:getCode() then
			table.insert(parents, "термини изведени од " .. source_name)
		return {
			description = "{{{langname}}} terms categorized by the " .. get_source_and_type_desc(source, "root") .. " they originate from.",
			parents = parents,
			umbrella_parents = "Термини по етимолошким подкатегоријама по језику",

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local root_shape = data.label:match("^(.+)-shape roots$")
	if root_shape then
		local description = "{{{langname}}} roots with the shape ''" .. root_shape .. "''."
		local additional
		if data.lang and data.lang:getCode() == "ine-pro" then
			additional = [=[
* '''e''' stands for the vowel of the root.
* '''C''' stands for any stop or ''s''.
* '''R''' stands for any resonant.
* '''H''' stands for any laryngeal.
* '''M''' stands for ''m'' or ''w'', when followed by a resonant.
* '''s''' stands for ''s'', when next to a stop.]=]
		return {
			description = description,
			additional = additional,
			breadcrumb = root_shape,
			parents = {{name = "корени по облику", sort = root_shape}},
			umbrella = false,

-------------------- Derived/inherited/borrowed handlers --------------------

-- Handler for categories of the form "LANG terms derived from SOURCE", where SOURCE is a language, etymology language
-- or family (e.g. "Indo-European languages"), along with corresponding umbrella categories of the form
-- "Terms derived from SOURCE".
table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local source_name = data.label:match("^термини изведени од (.+)$")
	if source_name then
		-- FIXME, should we allow 'terms derived from taxonomic names' when mul-tax has canonical name
		-- 'taxonomic name'? This is equivalent to what [[Module:category tree/derived cat]] did.
		-- Maybe fix mul-tax instead.
		local source = require("Модул:languages").getByCanonicalName(source_name, true,
			"allow etym langs", "allow families")
		local source_desc = source:makeCategoryLink()

		-- Compute description.
		local desc = "{{{langname}}} terms that originate from " .. source_desc .. "."
		local additional
		if source:hasType("family") then
			additional = "This category should, ideally, contain only other categories. Entries can be categorized here, too, when the proper subcategory is unclear. " ..
				"If you know the exact language from which an entry categorized here is derived, please edit its respective entry."

		-- Compute parents.
		local derived_from_variety_of_self = false
		local parent
		local sortkey = source:getDisplayForm()
		if source:hasType("etymology-only") then
			-- By default, `parent` is the source's parent.
			parent = source:getParent()
			-- Check if the source is a variety (or subvariety) of the language.
			if data.lang and source:hasParent(data.lang) then
				derived_from_variety_of_self = true
			-- If the language is the direct parent of the source or the parent is "und", then we use the family of the source as `parent` instead.
			if data.lang and (parent:getCode() == data.lang:getCode() or parent:getCode() == "und") then
				parent = source:getFamily()
		-- Regular language or family.
			local fam = source:getFamily()
			if fam then
				parent = fam
		-- If `parent` does not exist, is the same as `source`, or would be "isolate languages" or "not a family", then we discard it.
		if (not parent) or parent:getCode() == source:getCode() or parent:getCode() == "qfa-iso" or parent:getCode() == "qfa-not" then
			parent = nil
			derived_from_variety_of_self = false
		-- Otherwise, get the display form.
			parent = parent:getDisplayForm()
		parent = parent and "термини изведени од " .. parent or "термини изведени од осталих језика"
		local parents = {{name = parent, sort = sortkey}}
		if derived_from_variety_of_self then
			table.insert(parents, "Категорија:Categories for terms in a language derived from a term in a subvariety of that language")

		-- Compute umbrella parents.
		local cat_name = source:getCategoryName()
		-- If the source is etymology-only, its category will be handled by the dialect handler in
		-- [[Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/language varieties]]. If it has a nonstandard name like 'Kölsch'
		-- (i.e. not a name like 'American English' that has a language name in it), the dialect handler won't handle
		-- it unless we tell it to do so through the following call; this is an optimization to avoid expensive
		-- processing work on all manner of randomly named categories.
		if source:hasType("etymology-only") then
			require("Модул:category tree/poscatboiler/data/language varieties").export.register_likely_dialect_parent_cat(cat_name)
		local umbrella_parents = {
			source:hasType("family") and {name = cat_name, raw = true, sort = " "} or
			{name = cat_name, raw = true, sort = "термини изведени од"}

		return {
			description = desc,
			additional = additional,
			breadcrumb = source_name,
			parents = parents,
			umbrella = {
				no_by_language = true,
				description = "Categories with terms that originate from " .. source_desc .. ".",
				parents = umbrella_parents,

local function get_source_and_source_desc(source_name)
	local source = require("Модул:languages").getByCanonicalName(source_name, true, "allow etym langs", "allow families")
	local source_desc = source:makeCategoryLink()
	if source:hasType("family") then
		source_desc = "unknown " .. source_desc
	return source, source_desc

-- Handler for categories of the form "LANG terms inherited/borrowed from SOURCE", where SOURCE is a language,
-- etymology language or family (e.g. "Indo-European languages"). Also handles umbrella categories of the form
-- "Terms inherited/borrowed from SOURCE".
local function inherited_borrowed_handler(etymtype)
	return function(data)
		local source_name = data.label:match("^изрази " .. etymtype .. " од (.+)$")
		if source_name then
			local source, source_desc = get_source_and_source_desc(source_name)
			return {
				description = "{{{langname}}} изрази " .. etymtype .. " од " .. source_desc .. ".",
				breadcrumb = source_name,
				parents = {
					{ name = etymtype .. " изрази", sort = source_name },
					{ name = "термини изведени од " .. source_name, sort = " "},
				umbrella = {
					no_by_language = true,
					parents = {
						{ name = "термини изведени од " .. source_name, is_label = true, sort = " " },
						etymtype == "наслеђени" and
							{ name = "Наслеђени термини подкатегорије по језику", sort = source_name }
						-- There are several types of borrowings mixed into the following holding category,
						-- so keep these ones sorted under 'Terms borrowed from SOURCE_NAME' instead of just
						-- 'SOURCE_NAME'.
						or "Позајмљени термини подкатегорије по језику",

table.insert(handlers, inherited_borrowed_handler("позајмљени"))
table.insert(handlers, inherited_borrowed_handler("наслеђени"))

------------------------ Borrowing subtype handlers -------------------------

local function borrowing_subtype_handler(dest, source_name, parent_cat, desc, categorizing_templates, no_by_language)
	local source, source_desc = get_source_and_source_desc(source_name)
	local extra_templates = {}
	local extra_template_text
	for i, template in ipairs(categorizing_templates) do
		if i > 1 then
			table.insert(extra_templates, ("{{tl|%s|...}}"):format(template))
	if #extra_templates > 0 then
		extra_template_text = (" (or %s, using the same syntax)"):format(
			require("Модул:table").serialCommaJoin(extra_templates, {conj = "or"}))
		extra_template_text = ""
	local additional, umbrella_additional
	if dest then
		additional = ("To categorize a term into this category, use {{tl|%s|%s|%s|<var>source_term</var>}}%s, " ..
			"where <code><var>source_term</var></code> is the source-language term that the term in question was " ..
			"borrowed from."):format(categorizing_templates[1], dest:getCode(), source:getCode(), extra_template_text)
		umbrella_additional = ("To categorize a term into a language-specific subcategory, use " ..
			"{{tl|%s|<var>destcode</var>|%s|<var>source_term</var>}}%s, where <code><var>destcode</var></code> is " ..
			"the language code of the language in question (see [[Викиречник:Листа језика]]), and " ..
			"<code><var>source_term</var></code> is the source-language term that the term in question was " ..
			"borrowed from."):format(categorizing_templates[1], source:getCode(), extra_template_text)

	return {
		description = "{{{langname}}} " .. desc:gsub("SOURCE", source_desc),
		additional = additional,
		breadcrumb = source_name,
		parents = {
			{ name = parent_cat, sort = source_name },
			{ name = "изрази позајмљени од " .. source_name, sort = " " },
		umbrella = {
			no_by_language = no_by_language,
			additional = umbrella_additional,
			parents = {
				{ name = "изрази позајмљени од " .. source_name, is_label = true, sort = " " },
				"Позајмљени термини подкатегорије по језику",

-- Specs describing types of borrowings.
-- `from_source_desc` is the English description used in categories of the form "LANGUAGE BORTYPE from SOURCE",
--    e.g. "Arabic semantic loans from English". "SOURCE" in the description is replaced by the source language.
-- `umbrella_desc` is the English description used in categories of the form "LANGUAGE BORTYPE", e.g.
--    "Arabic semantic loans". This is an umbrella category grouping all the source-language-specific categories.
-- `uses_subtype_handler`, if true, means that the handler for "LANGUAGE BORTYPE from SOURCE" categories is
--    implemented by a generic "TYPE borrowings" handler (at the bottom of this section), so we don't need to
--    create a BORTYPE-specific handler.
-- `umbrella_parent`, if given, is the parent category of the umbrella categories of the form "LANGUAGE BORTYPE".
--    By default it is "borrowed terms". Some borrowing types replace this with "terms by etymology". (FIXME:
--    Review whether this is correct.)
-- `label_pattern`, if given, is a Lua pattern that matches the category name minus the language at the beginning.
--    It should have one capture, which is the source language. An example is "^terms partially calqued from (.+)$".
--    If omitted, it is generated from BORTYPE.
-- `no_by_language`, if true, means that the umbrella category grouping borrowings of the appropriate type from a
--    specific source language is named "BORTYPE from SOURCE" in place of "BORTYPE from SOURCE by language"
--    (e.g. "Semantic loans from English" in place of "Semantic loans from English by language").
local borrowing_specs = {
	["learned borrowings"] = {
		from_source_desc = "terms that are learned [[loanword]]s from SOURCE, that is, terms that were directly incorporated from SOURCE instead of through normal language contact.",
		umbrella_desc = "terms that are learned [[loanword]]s, that is, terms that were directly incorporated from another language instead of through normal language contact.",
		uses_subtype_handler = true,
		categorizing_templates = {"lbor", "learned borrowing"},
	["semi-learned borrowings"] = {
		from_source_desc = "terms that are [[semi-learned borrowing|semi-learned]] [[loanword]]s from SOURCE, that is, terms borrowed from SOURCE (a [[classical language]]) into the target language (a modern language) and partly reshaped based on later [[sound change]]s or by analogy with [[inherit]]ed terms in the language.",
		umbrella_desc = "terms that are [[semi-learned borrowing|semi-learned]] [[loanword]]s, that is, terms borrowed from a [[classical language]] into a modern language and partly reshaped based on later [[sound change]]s or by analogy with [[inherit]]ed terms in the language.",
		uses_subtype_handler = true,
		categorizing_templates = {"slbor", "semi-learned borrowing"},
	["orthographic borrowings"]	= {
		from_source_desc = "orthographic loans from SOURCE, i.e. terms that were borrowed from SOURCE in their script forms, not their pronunciations.",
		umbrella_desc = "orthographic loans, i.e. terms that were borrowed in their script forms, not their pronunciations.",
		uses_subtype_handler = true,
		categorizing_templates = {"obor", "orthographic borrowing"},
	["unadapted borrowings"] = {
		from_source_desc = "[[loanword]]s from SOURCE that have not been conformed to the morpho-syntactic, phonological and/or phonotactical rules of the target language.",
		umbrella_desc = "[[loanword]]s that have not been conformed to the morpho-syntactic, phonological and/or phonotactical rules of the target language.",
		uses_subtype_handler = true,
		categorizing_templates = {"ubor", "unadapted borrowing"},
	["semantic loans"] = {
		from_source_desc = "[[Додатак:Речник#semantic loan|semantic loans]] from SOURCE, i.e. terms one or more of whose definitions was borrowed from a term in SOURCE.",
		umbrella_desc = "[[Додатак:Речник#semantic loan|semantic loans]], i.e. terms one or more of whose definitions was borrowed from a term in another language.",
		umbrella_parent = "термини по етимологији",
		no_by_language = true,
		categorizing_templates = {"sl", "semantic loan"},
	["partial calques"] = {
		from_source_desc = "terms that were [[Додатак:Речник#partial calque|partially calqued]] from SOURCE, i.e. terms formed partly by piece-by-piece translations of SOURCE terms and partly by direct borrowing.",
		umbrella_desc = "[[Додатак:Речник#partial calque|partial calques]], i.e. terms formed partly by piece-by-piece translations of terms from other languages and partly by direct borrowing.",
		umbrella_parent = "термини по етимологији",
		label_pattern = "^terms partially calqued from (.+)$",
		no_by_language = true,
		categorizing_templates = {"pcal", "pclq", "partial calque"},
	["calques"] = {
		from_source_desc = "terms that were [[Додатак:Речник#calque|calqued]] from SOURCE, i.e. terms formed by piece-by-piece translations of SOURCE terms.",
		umbrella_desc = "[[Додатак:Речник#calque|calques]], i.e. terms formed by piece-by-piece translations of terms from other languages.",
		umbrella_parent = "термини по етимологији",
		label_pattern = "^terms calqued from (.+)$",
		no_by_language = true,
		categorizing_templates = {"cal", "clq", "calque"},
	["phono-semantic matchings"] = {
		from_source_desc = "[[Додатак:Речник#phono-semantic matching|phono-semantic matchings]] from SOURCE, i.e. terms that were borrowed by matching the etymon phonetically and semantically.",
		umbrella_desc = "[[Додатак:Речник#phono-semantic matching|phono-semantic matchings]], i.e. terms that were borrowed by matching the etymon phonetically and semantically.",
		no_by_language = true,
		categorizing_templates = {"psm", "phono-semantic matching"},
	["pseudo-loans"] = {
		from_source_desc = "[[Додатак:Речник#pseudo-loan|pseudo-loans]] from SOURCE, i.e. terms that appear to be SOURCE, but are not used or have an unrelated meaning in SOURCE itself.",
		umbrella_desc = "[[Додатак:Речник#pseudo-loan|pseudo-loans]], i.e. terms that appear to be derived from another language, but are not used or have an unrelated meaning in that language itself.",
		categorizing_templates = {"pl", "pseudo-loan"},

for bortype, spec in pairs(borrowing_specs) do
	labels[bortype] = {
		description = "{{{langname}}} " .. spec.umbrella_desc,
		parents = {spec.umbrella_parent or "позајмљени термини"},
		umbrella_parents = "Термини по етимолошким подкатегоријама по језику",
	if not spec.uses_subtype_handler then
		-- If the label pattern isn't specifically given, generate it from the `bortype`; but make sure to
		-- escape hyphens in the pattern.
		local label_pattern =
			spec.label_pattern or "^" .. m_str_utils.pattern_escape(bortype) .. " од (.+)$"
		table.insert(handlers, function(data)
			local source_name = data.label:match(label_pattern)
			if source_name then
				return borrowing_subtype_handler(data.lang, source_name, bortype, spec.from_source_desc,
					spec.categorizing_templates, spec.no_by_language)

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local borrowing_type, source_name = data.label:match("^(.+ borrowings) од (.+)$")
	if borrowing_type then
		local spec = borrowing_specs[borrowing_type]
		return borrowing_subtype_handler(data.lang, source_name, borrowing_type, spec.from_source_desc,
			spec.categorizing_templates, false)

---------------------- Indo-Aryan extension handlers ------------------------

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local labelpref, extension = data.label:match("^(термини проширени са индоаријским )(.+)$")
	if extension then
		local lang_inc_ash = require("Модул:languages").getByCode("inc-ash")
		local linked_term = require("Модул:links").full_link({lang = lang_inc_ash, term = extension}, "term")
		local tagged_term = require("Модул:script utilities").tag_text(extension, lang_inc_ash, nil, "term")
		return {
			description = "{{{langname}}} terms extended with the [[Indo-Aryan]] [[pleonastic]] affix " .. linked_term .. ".",
			displaytitle = "{{{langname}}} " .. labelpref .. tagged_term,
			breadcrumb = tagged_term,
			parents = {{name = "термини са Индо-Аријан екстензијама", sort = extension}},
			umbrella = {
				no_by_language = true,
				parents = "Индо-Аријан екстензије",
				displaytitle = "Термини проширени са Индо-Аријан " .. tagged_term,

---------------------------- Coined-by handlers -----------------------------

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local coiner = data.label:match("^terms coined by (.+)$")
	if coiner then
		-- Sort by last name per request from [[User:Metaknowledge]]
		local last_name = coiner:match(".* ([^ ]+)$")
		return {
			description = "{{{langname}}} terms coined by " .. coiner .. ".",
			breadcrumb = coiner,
			parents = {{
				name = "coinages",
				sort = last_name and last_name .. ", " .. coiner or coiner,
			umbrella = false,

------------------------ Multiple etymology handlers ------------------------

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local pos = data.label:match("^terms with multiple (.+) etymologies$")
	if pos and pos ~= "леме" and pos ~= "non-lemma form" then
		local plpos = require("Модул:string utilities").pluralize(pos)
		local postype = require("Модул:headword").pos_lemma_or_nonlemma(plpos, "guess")
		return {
			description = "{{{langname}}} " .. plpos .. " that are derived from multiple origins.",
			umbrella_parents = "Више етимолошких подкатегорија по језику",
			breadcrumb = "multiple " .. plpos,
			parents = {{
				name = "terms with multiple " .. postype .. " etymologies",
				sort = pos,

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local pos1, pos2 = data.label:match("^terms with (.+) and (.+) etymologies$")
	if pos1 and pos1 ~= "lemma" and pos2 ~= "non-lemma form" then
		local m_strutil = require("Module:string utilities")
		local m_headword = require("Module:headword")
		local plpos1 = m_strutil.pluralize(pos1)
		local plpos2 = m_strutil.pluralize(pos2)
		local pos1type = m_headword.pos_lemma_or_nonlemma(plpos1, "guess")
		local pos2type = m_headword.pos_lemma_or_nonlemma(plpos2, "guess")
		local a_pos1 = m_strutil.add_indefinite_article(pos1)
		local a_pos2 = m_strutil.add_indefinite_article(pos2)
		return {
			description = "{{{langname}}} terms consisting of " .. a_pos1 .." of one origin and " ..
				a_pos2 .. " of a different origin.",
			umbrella_parents = "Multiple etymology subcategories by language",
			breadcrumb = pos1 .. " and " .. pos2,
			parents = {{
				name = pos1type == pos2type and "terms with multiple " .. pos1type .. " etymologies" or
					"terms with lemma and non-lemma form etymologies",
				sort = pos1 .. " and " .. pos2,

--------------------------- Borrowed-back handlers --------------------------

-- Handler for categories of the form e.g. [[:Category:English terms borrowed back into English]]. We need to use a handler
-- because the category's language occurs inside the label itself. For the same reason, the umbrella category has a
-- nonstandard name "Terms borrowed back into the same language", so we handle it as a regular parent and disable the
-- built-in umbrella mechanism.
table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local right_side_lang = data.label:match("^terms borrowed back into (.+)$")
	if data.lang and right_side_lang == data.lang:getCanonicalName() then
		return {
			description = "{{{langname}}} terms that were borrowed from another language that originally borrowed the term from {{{langname}}}.",
			parents = {"термини по етимологији", "позајмљени термини",
				{name = "Terms borrowed back into the same language", raw = true, sort = "{{{langname}}}"}
			umbrella = false, -- Umbrella has a nonstandard name so we treat it as a raw category

--                                                                         --
--                                RAW HANDLERS                             --
--                                                                         --

-- Handler for umbrella metacategories of the form e.g. [[:Category:Terms derived from Proto-Indo-Iranian roots]]
-- and [[:Category:Terms derived from Proto-Indo-European words]]. Replaces the former
-- [[Module:category tree/PIE root cat]], [[Module:category tree/root cat]] and [[Template:PIE word cat]].
table.insert(raw_handlers, function(data)
	local source_name, terms_type = data.category:match("^Термини изведени од (.+) (корена)$")
	if not source_name then
		source_name, terms_type = data.category:match("^Термини изведени од (.+) (речи)$")
	if not source_name then
		source_name, terms_type = data.category:match("^Термини изведени од (.+) (terms)$")
	if source_name then
		local source = require("Модул:languages").getByCanonicalName(source_name, true, "allow etym langs")

		return {
			description = "Umbrella categories covering terms derived from particular " .. get_source_and_type_desc(source, terms_type) .. ".",
			additional = "{{{umbrella_meta_msg}}}",
			parents = {
				"Кишобран метакатегорија",
				{ name = terms_type == "корени" and "корени" or "леме", is_label = true, lang = source:getCode(), sort = " " },
				{ name = "термини изведени од " .. source_name, is_label = true, sort = " " .. terms_type },

return {LABELS = labels, RAW_CATEGORIES = raw_categories, HANDLERS = handlers, RAW_HANDLERS = raw_handlers}