Модул:category tree/poscatboiler/data/miscellaneous
Script error: The function "main" does not exist.
local labels = {}
local raw_categories = {}
-- --
-- LABELS --
-- --
-- Appendices
labels["додатци"] = {
description = "Pages containing additional information about {{{langname}}}.",
parents = {{name = "{{{langcat}}}", raw = true}},
umbrella = {
description = "Categories with pages containing additional information about a given language.",
parents = {"Категорија:Додатци"},
breadcrumb = "По језику",
-- Citations
labels["цитати"] = {
description = "Pages documenting instances of actual usage of {{{langname}}} terms.",
parents = {{name = "{{{langcat}}}", raw = true}},
umbrella = {
description = "Categories with pages documenting instances of actual usage of terms in a given language.",
parents = {"Категорија:Цитати"},
breadcrumb = "Цитати по језику",
labels["цитати од недефинисаних термина"] = {
description = "Pages documenting instances of actual usage of {{{langname}}} terms, but for which the term is not defined yet.",
additional = "Citation pages in {{{langname}}} are automatically added here when any of the corresponding entries is a redlink. You can also add citation pages to this category manually when the entry exists but it has not a(n) {{{langname}}} section yet or has not been defined in that specific meaning. Before removing a page from this category, please verify that all citations relate to senses properly defined in the entry.",
parents = {"цитати"},
umbrella = {
description = "Categories with pages documenting instances of actual usage of terms in a given language, but for which the term is not defined yet.",
parents = {"Захтеви", "Категорија:Цитати"},
breadcrumb = "Цитати од недефинисаних термина по језику",
can_be_empty = true,
hidden = true,
-- Thesaurus entries
labels["тезаурус уноси"] = {
description = "[[WT:WS|Тезаурус]] entries for listing [[Викиречник:Semantic relations|semantically related terms]] such as [[synonym]]s, [[antonym]]s, [[hyponym]]s, [[hypernym]]s, [[meronym]]s, and [[holonym]]s of {{{langname}}} words.",
parents = {{name = "{{{langcat}}}", raw = true}},
umbrella = {
description = "Categories with [[WT:WS|тезаурус]] entries for listing [[Викиречник:Semantic relations|semantically related terms]] terms.",
breadcrumb = "По језику",
parents = {{name = "Категорија:Тезаурус", sort = " "}},
-- --
-- --
raw_categories["Почетак"] = {
topright = "{{commonscat|CommonsRoot}}",
description = "Ова страница је категорија највишег нивоа, под којом би требало да се налазе све категорије на Викиречнику.",
additional = "Note that most categories are in [[:Категорија:Све теме]] или испод појединог [[:Категорија:Сви језици|језика]].",
raw_categories["Кишобран метакатегорија"] = {
description = "This page contains '''umbrella metacategories''', which group umbrella categories under high-level topics.",
additional = "Umbrella categories in turn group language-specific categories devoted to particular low-level topics.",
parents = {"Почетак"},
return {LABELS = labels, RAW_CATEGORIES = raw_categories}