Модул:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/sr
Документацију овог модула можете да направите на страници Модул:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/sr/док
local labels = {}
local handlers = {}
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match
--------------------------------- Roots --------------------------------
labels["diaspirate roots"] = {
description = "Sanskrit roots where an initial unaspirated consonant may become aspirated in some derivatives. This occurs when the root is followed immediately by a {{w|sibilant}}, which triggers an aspiration throwback and the aspiration migrates leftward, docking onto the initial consonant. See more at {{w|Grassmann's law}}",
parents = {{ name = "roots" }}
--------------------------------- In fine compositi --------------------------------
labels["compound-final adjectives"] = {
description = "Sanskrit terms that only appear at the end of a compound adjective",
parents = {{ name = "adjectives" }}
labels["compound-final nouns"] = {
description = "Sanskrit terms that only appear at the end of a compound noun",
parents = {{ name = "nouns" }}
labels["compound-final adverbs"] = {
description = "Sanskrit terms that only appear at the end of a compound adverb",
parents = {{ name = "adverbs" }}
--------------------------------- Verbs --------------------------------
labels["verbs by class"] = {
description = "Sanskrit verbs categorized by class.",
parents = {{name = "verbs by inflection type", sort = "class"}},
table.insert(handlers, function(data)
local cls = rmatch(data.label, "^class ([0-9]*) verbs")
if cls then
return {
description = "Sanskrit class " .. cls .. " verbs.",
breadcrumb = cls,
parents = {{name = "verbs by class", sort = cls}},
labels["verbs by aorist type"] = {
description = "Sanskrit verbs categorized by aorist type.",
parents = {{name = "verbs by inflection type", sort = "class"}},
breadcrumb = "aorist types"
for _, aor in pairs({ "iṣ-", "ṣ-", "kṣ-", "a-", "root "}) do
labels["verbs with " .. aor .. "aorist"] = {
description = "Sanskrit verbs with the " .. aor .. "aorist",
parents = {{ name = "verbs by aorist type", sort = aor }},
breadcrumb = aor .. "aorist"
labels["future verbs"] = {
description = "Sanskrit {{w|Sanskrit_verbs#Future_system|future system}} verbs.",
parents = {{name = "verbs"}},
breadcrumb = "future verbs"
labels["свршени глаголи"] = {
description = "Sanskrit {{w|Sanskrit_verbs#Perfect_system|perfect system}} verbs.",
parents = {{name = "глаголи"}},
breadcrumb = "свршени глаголи"
labels["aorist verbs"] = {
description = "Sanskrit {{w|Sanskrit_verbs#Aorist_system|aorist system}} verbs.",
parents = {{name = "verbs"}},
breadcrumb = "aorist verbs"
labels["benedictive verbs"] = {
description = "Sanskrit {{w|Sanskrit_verbs#Aorist_system|benedictive/precative}} verbs.",
parents = {{name = "verbs"}},
breadcrumb = "benedictive verbs"
return {LABELS = labels, HANDLERS = handlers}