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Документацију овог модула можете да направите на страници Модул:Quotations/la/data/док

local data = {}

data.Sundry = {}

data.Sundry.OrdinalNames = {
		'Primus', 'Secundus', 'Tertius', 'Quartus', 'Quintus', 'Sextus', 
		'Septimus', 'Octavus', 'Nonus', 'Decimus', 'Undecimus', 'Duodecimus', 
		'Tertius Decimus'}

data.authorAliases = {['Augustine'] = 'Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis',
	                  ['Kepler'] = 'Johannes Kepler',
	                  ['Livy'] = 'Titus Livius',
	                  ['Plin.'] = 'Pliny the Elder',
	                  ['Terence'] = 'Publius Terentius Afer',
	                  ['Vergil'] = 'Virgil', }

data['Accius'] = {}
	data['Accius'].aLink = 'Lucius Accius'
	data['Accius'].year = '170 - c. 86 BC'
	data['Accius'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle'}
	data['Accius'].works = {['Atreus'] = {['year'] = 'c. 140 BC', ['rlTitle'] = 'Tragoediae (Accius)/Atreus', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}
data['Apuleius'] = {}
	data['Apuleius'].aLink = 'Apuleius'
	data['Apuleius'].year = 'c. 125 – 180 AD'
	data['Apuleius'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}, '#', '.ref2', '.period'}
	data['Apuleius'].works = {['Metamorphoses'] = {['rlTitle'] = 'Metamorphoses (Apuleius)', ['rlFormat'] = 1, ['wLink'] = 'The Golden Ass'}}
data['Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis'] = {}
	data['Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis'].aLink = 'Augustine of Hippo'
	data['Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis'].year = '354–430'
	data['Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber ', {'.convert', '.OrdinalNames', '.ref1'}}
	data['Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis'].rlFormat2 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}}
	data['Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis'].works = 
	    {['On Christian Doctrine'] = {['year'] = '397–426',   ['wLink'] = 'De doctrina christiana',      ['rlTitle'] = 'De Doctrina Christiana libri quatuor'},
		 ['Confessions']           = {['year'] = '397–401',   ['wLink'] = 'Confessions (St. Augustine)', ['rlTitle'] = 'Confessiones',                          ['rlFormat']=1},
		 ['City of God']           = {['year'] = '426 AD',    ['wLink'] = 'The City of God (book)',      ['rlTitle'] = 'De civitate Dei',                       ['rlFormat']=2},
		 ['On the Trinity']        = {['year'] = 'c. 400 AD', ['wLink'] = 'On the Trinity',              ['rlTitle'] = 'De trinitate (Aurelius Augustinus)',    ['rlFormat']=2},  

data['Bede'] = {}
	data['Bede'].aLink = 'Bede'
	data['Bede'].year = 'c. 672 - 735 CE'
	data['Bede'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle'}
	data['Bede'].works = {['Historia ecclesiastica'] = {['year'] = 'c. 731', ['wLink'] = 'Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum', ['rlTitle'] = 'Historia Ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}
data['Cato the Elder'] = {}
	data['Cato the Elder'].aLink = 'Cato the Elder'
	data['Cato the Elder'].year = '234–149 BC'
	data['Cato the Elder'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle'}
	data['Cato the Elder'].works = {['De Agri Cultura'] = {['wLink']='De Agri Cultura', ['rlTitle']='De agri cultura', ['rlFormat']=1}}
	data['Cato the Elder'].aliases = {['Agri'] = 'De Agri Cultura'}

data['Catullus'] = {}
	data['Catullus'].aLink = 'Catullus'
	data['Catullus'].year  = 'c. 84 - 54 BC'
	data['Catullus'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', "/", ".ref1"}
	data['Catullus'].works = {['Carmina'] = {['rlTitle'] = 'Carmina (Catullus)', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}

data['Celio Calcagnini'] = {}
	data['Celio Calcagnini'].aLink = 'Celio Calcagnini'
	data['Celio Calcagnini'].year = '1479 - 1541 AD'
	data['Celio Calcagnini'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '#', '.ref1'}
	data['Celio Calcagnini'].works = {['Epitoma'] = {['rlTitle'] = 'Super Prometheo et Epimetheo epitoma', ['year'] = 'c. 1500', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}

data['Charles IV'] = {}
	data['Charles IV'].aLink = 'Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor'
	data['Charles IV'].year = '1316-1378 CE'
	data['Charles IV'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', "/", ".ref1"}
	data['Charles IV'].works = {['Vita Caroli IV'] = {['rlTitle'] = 'Vita Caroli IV', ['year'] = '1350 CE', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}
data['Cicero'] = {}
	data['Cicero'].aLink = 'Cicero'
	data['Cicero'].year = '106–43 BC'
	data['Cicero'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.ref1', '#', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref2'}}
	data['Cicero'].rlFormat2 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '#', '.ref1'}
	data['Cicero'].rlFormat3 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}}
	data['Cicero'].rlFormat4 = {'s:la:', 'In M. Antonium Oratio - Philippica ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}}
	data['Cicero'].rlFormat5 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber ', {'.convert', '.OrdinalNames', '.ref1'}}
	data['Cicero'].works = {
		['Laelius de Amicitia'] = {['year'] = '44 BC', ['wlink'] = 'Laelius de Amicitia', ['rlTitle'] = 'Laelius de Amicitia', ['rlFormat'] = 2},
		['Catiline Orations'] = {['year'] = '63 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Catiline Orations', ['rlTitle'] = 'In L. Catilinam orationes', ['rlFormat'] =1},
		['Pro Milone'] = {['year'] = '52 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Pro Milone', ['rlTitle'] = 'Pro Milone', ['rlFormat'] = 2},
		['In Verrem'] = {['year'] = '70 BC', ['wLink'] = 'In Verrem', ['rlTitle'] = 'In Verrem'},
		['De Officiis'] = {['year'] = '44 BC', ['wLink'] = 'De Officiis', ['rlTitle'] = 'De officiis', ['rlFormat'] = 3},
		['Philippicae'] = {['year'] = '44-43 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Philippicae', ['rlTitle'] = 'In M. Antonium Philippicae', ['rlFormat'] = 4},
		['Pro Flacco'] = {['year'] = '59 BC', ['rlTitle'] = 'Pro L. Valerio Flacco'},
		['De finibus bonorum et malorum'] = {['year'] = '45 BC', ['rlTitle'] = 'De finibus bonorum et malorum', ['wLink'] = 'De finibus bonorum et malorum', ['rlFormat'] = 5},
		['Tusculanes'] = {['year'] = 'c 45 BC', ['rlTitle'] = 'Tusculanæ Disputationes', ['wLink'] = 'Tusculanae Disputationes', ['rlFormat'] = 3},
		['De lege agraria'] = {['year'] = '63 BC', ['rlTitle'] = 'De lege agraria (Contra Rullum)'},
		['De Natura Deorum'] = {['year'] = '45 BC', ['rlTitle'] = 'De natura deorum', ['wLink'] = 'De natura deorum', ['rlFormat'] = 3},
		['De Oratore'] = {['year'] = '55 BC', ['rlTitle'] = 'De oratore', ['wLink'] = 'De Oratore', ['rlFormat'] = 3},
		['Brutus'] = {['year'] = '46 BC', ['rlTitle'] = 'Brutus', ['wLink'] = 'Brutus (Cicero)'},
		['De re publica'] = {['year'] = '54 - 51 BC', ['wLink'] = 'De re publica', ['rlTitle'] = 'De re publica', ['rlFormat'] = 5},
		['De inventione'] = {['year'] = '85 BC', ['rlTitle'] = 'De inventione', ['rlFormat'] = 3},
	data['Cicero'].aliases = {
		['De Amicitia'] = 'Laelius de Amicitia',
		['Catiline'] = 'Catiline Orations',
		['On Friendship'] = 'Laelius de Amicitia',
		['Tusculanae Disputationes'] = 'Tusculanes',
		['Tusculan Disputations'] = 'Tusculanes',

data['Claudian'] = {}
	data['Claudian'].aLink = 'Claudian'
	data['Claudian'].year = 'c. 370 - 404 AD'
	data['Claudian'].works = {['Panegyricus de Sexto Consulatu Honorii'] = {}}
data['Columella'] = {}
	data['Columella'].aLink = 'Columella'
	data['Columella'].year = '4 AD – c. 70 AD'
	data['Columella'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}, '#', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref2'}, '.period'}
	data['Columella'].works = {['De Re Rustica'] = {['rlTitle'] = 'De Re Rustica', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}

data['Eutropius'] = {}
	data['Eutropius'].aLink = 'Eutropius (historian)'
	data['Eutropius'].year = 'c. 350 AD'
	data['Eutropius'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}, '#', '.ref2'}
	data['Eutropius'].works = {['Breviarium historiae romanae'] = {['rlTitle'] = 'Breviarium historiae romanae', ['year'] = 'c. 370 AD', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}
data['Finnur Jónsson'] = {}
	data['Finnur Jónsson'].aLink = 'Finnur Jónsson'
	data['Finnur Jónsson'].year = '1858-1934'
	data['Finnur Jónsson'].works = {['Historia Ecclesiastica Islandiæ'] = {['year'] = '1774 AD'}}
data['Gaius'] = {}
	data['Gaius'].aLink = 'Gaius (jurist)'
	data['Gaius'].year = '130 - 180 AD'
	data['Gaius'].works = {['Institutiones'] = {['year'] = 'c. 160 AD'}}

data['Gaius Valerius Flaccus']= {}
	data['Gaius Valerius Flaccus'].aLink = 'Gaius Valerius Flaccus'
	data['Gaius Valerius Flaccus'].year = '? - c. 90 AD'
	data['Gaius Valerius Flaccus'].works = {['Argonautica'] = {['rlTitle'] = 'Argonautica (Gaius Valerius Flaccus)'}}

data['Horace'] = {}
	data['Horace'].aLink = 'Horace'
	data['Horace'].year = '65 BC - 8 BC'
	data['Horace'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}, "/Carmen ", {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref2'}}
	data['Horace'].rlFormat2 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '_-_Liber_', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}, '#Epistula ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref2'}}
	data['Horace'].rlFormat3 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '#', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}}
	data['Horace'].rlFormat4 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle'}
	data['Horace'].works = {
		['Ars Poetica'] = {['year'] = 'c. 19 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Ars Poetica (Horace)', ['rTitle'] = 'Ars Poetica', ['rlFormat'] = 4},
		['Odes'] = {['year'] = '23 - 13 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Odes (Horace)', ['rlTitle'] = 'Carmina (Horatius)', ['rlFormat'] = 1},
		['Epistles'] = {['year'] = '20-14 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Epistles (Horace)', ['rlTitle'] = 'Epistulae (Horatius)', ['rlFormat'] = 2},
		['Epodes'] = {['year'] = 'c. 30 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Epodes#Epodes_of_Horace', ['rlTitle'] = 'Epodi', ['rlFormat'] = 3},
		['Satires (book 1)'] = {['year'] = 'c. 35 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Satires (Horace)', ['rlTitle'] = 'Sermones (Horatius)', ['rlFormat'] = 4},
		['Satires (book 2)'] = {['year'] = 'c. 35 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Satires (Horace)', ['rlTitle'] = 'Sermones (Horatius)', ['rlFormat'] = 4}}
data['Innocent III'] = {}
	data['Innocent III'].aLink = 'Pope Innocent III'
	data['Innocent III'].year = '1160 - 1216 CE'
	data['Innocent III'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle'}
	data['Innocent III'].works = {['Venerabilem'] = {['year'] = '1202 CE', ['rlTitle'] = 'Venerabilem', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}

data['Isidorus Hispalensis'] = {}
	data['Isidorus Hispalensis'].aLink = 'Isidore of Seville'
	data['Isidorus Hispalensis'].year = 'c. 560 – 636 CE'
	data['Isidorus Hispalensis'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber_', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}}
	data['Isidorus Hispalensis'].works = {['Etymologiae'] = {['year'] = 'c. 600–625 CE', ['rlTitle'] = 'Etymologiarum libri XX', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}
data['Jerome'] = {}
	data['Jerome'].aLink = 'Jerome'
	data['Jerome'].year = 'c. 347 - 420 AD'
	data['Jerome'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/', '.ref1', '#', '.ref2', ':', '.ref3'}
	data['Jerome'].works = {['Vulgate'] = {['wLink'] = 'Vulgate', ['year'] = '405 AD', ['rlTitle'] = 'Biblia Sacra Vulgata (Stuttgartensia)', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}
data['Johannes Kepler'] = {}
	data['Johannes Kepler'].aLink = 'Johannes Kepler'
	data['Johannes Kepler'].year = '1571–1630'
	data['Johannes Kepler'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle'}
	data['Johannes Kepler'].works = 
		{['Strena seu de nive sexangula'] = {['year'] = '1611', ['rlTitle'] = 'Strena seu de nive sexangula', ['rlFormat'] = 1}
	data['Johannes Kepler'].aliases = {['Strena'] = 'Strena seu de nive sexangula'}
data['Lucretius'] = {}
	data['Lucretius'].aLink = 'Lucretius'
	data['Lucretius'].year = 'c. 99 BC – 55 BC'
	data['Lucretius'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}}
	data['Lucretius'].works = {['De rerum natura'] = {['wLink'] = 'De rerum natura', ['rlTitle'] = 'De rerum natura (Titus Lucretius Carus)', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}
data['Julius Caesar'] = {}
	data['Julius Caesar'].aLink = 'Julius Caesar'
	data['Julius Caesar'].year = '100–44 BC'
	data['Julius Caesar'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}, '#', '.ref2'}
	data['Julius Caesar'].works = {['Commentarii de Bello Gallico'] = {['wLink']='Commentarii de Bello Gallico', ['rlTitle']='Commentarii de bello Gallico', ['rlFormat']=1},
								   ['Commentarii de Bello Civili'] = {['year'] = 'c. 48 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Commentarii de bello civili', ['rlTitle'] = 'Commentarii de bello civili', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}
	data['Julius Caesar'].aliases = {['Bello Gallico'] = 'Commentarii de Bello Gallico',
									 ['Bello civili'] = 'Commentarii de Bello Civili'}

data['Ovid'] = {}
	data['Ovid'].aLink = 'Ovid'
	data['Ovid'].year = '43 BC - c. 17 AD'
	data['Ovid'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}}
	data['Ovid'].rlFormat2 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', ' - Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}}
	data['Ovid'].rlFormat3 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', ' - Epistula ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}}
	data['Ovid'].rlFormat4 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/', '.ref1', '.period', '.ref2'}
	data['Ovid'].rlFormat5 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle'}
	data['Ovid'].works = {
		['Metamorphoses'] = {['wLink'] = 'Metamorphoses', ['rlTitle'] = 'Metamorphoses (Ovidius)', ['year'] = '8 AD', ['rlFormat'] = 1},
		['Ars Amatoria'] = {['wLink'] = 'Ars Amatoria', ['rlTitle'] = 'Ars amatoria', ['year'] = '2 AD', ['rlFormat'] = 1},
		['Fasti'] = {['wLink'] = 'Fasti (poem)', ['year'] = '8 AD', ['rlTitle'] = 'Fasti', ['rlFormat'] = 2},
		['Tristia'] = {['wLink'] = 'Tristia', ['rlTitle'] = 'Tristia', ['rlFormat'] = 1},
	    ['Heroides'] = {['wLink'] = 'Heroides', ['rlTitle'] = 'Heroides', ['rlFormat'] = 3},
	    ['Amores'] = {['wLink'] = 'Amores (Ovid)', ['year'] = '16 BC', ['rlTitle'] = 'Amores', ['rlFormat'] = 4},
	    ['Ibis'] = {['wLink'] = 'Ibis (Ovid)', ['year'] = '9 AD', ['rlTitle'] = 'Ibis', ['rlFormat'] = 5}}

data['Palladius'] = {}
	data['Palladius'].aLink = 'Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus Palladius'
	data['Palladius'].year = 'c. 500 AD'
	data['Palladius'].works = {
		['Opus agriculturae'] = {}
data['Persius'] = {}
	data['Persius'].aLink = 'Persius'
	data['Persius'].year = '34-62'
	data['Persius'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '#SATVRA_', '.ref1'}
	data['Persius'].works = {['Saturae'] = {['year'] = 'c. 62', ['rlTitle'] = 'Saturae (Persius)', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}

data['Petronius'] = {}
	data['Petronius'].aLink = 'Petronius'
	data['Petronius'].year = 'c. 27-66 AD'
	data['Petronius'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '#', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}, '.period'}
	data['Petronius'].works = {['Satyricon'] = {['wLink'] = 'Satyricon', ['rlTitle'] = 'Satyricon', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}

data['Plautus'] = {}
	data['Plautus'].aLink = 'Plautus'
	data['Plautus'].year = 'c. 254–184 BC'
	data['Plautus'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle'}
	data['Plautus'].works = {
		['Amphitryon'] = {['year'] = 'c. 190–185', ['wLink'] = 'Amphitryon (play)', ['rlTitle'] = 'Amphitruo', ['rlFormat'] = 1},
		['Bacchides']  = {['year'] = 'c. 190 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Bacchides (play)', ['rlTitle'] = 'Bacchides'},
		['Casina'] = {['year'] = 'c. 180 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Casina (play)', ['rlTitle'] = 'Casina'},
		['Menaechmi']  = {['year'] = 'a. 200 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Menaechmi', ['rlTitle'] = 'Menaechmi'},
		['Captivi']    = {['year'] = 'c. 200–190 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Captivi', ['rlTitle'] = 'Captivi (Plautus)'},
		['Curculio']   = {['year'] = 'c. 190 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Curculio (play)', ['rlTitle'] = 'Curculio'},
		['Persa']      = {['year'] = 'c. 197 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Persa (play)', ['rlTitle'] = 'Persa'},
		['Truculentus'] = {['year'] = 'c. 189 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Truculentus', ['rlTitle'] = 'Truculentus'},
		['Epidicus'] = {['year'] = 'c. 190 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Epidicus', ['rlTitle'] = 'Epidicus'},
		['Aulularia'] = {['year'] = 'c. 186 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Aulularia', ['rlTitle'] = 'Aulularia'},
		['Miles gloriosus'] = {['year'] = 'c. 206 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Miles Gloriosus (play)', ['rlTitle'] = 'Miles gloriosus'},
		['Rudens'] = {['year'] = 'c. 211 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Rudens (play)', ['rlTitle'] = 'Rudens'},
		['Poenulus'] = {['year'] = 'c. 194 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Poenulus', ['rlTitle'] = 'Poenulus'},
		['Pseudolus'] = {['year'] = 'c. 191 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Pseudolus', ['rlTitle'] = 'Pseudolus'}}
	data['Plautus'].aliases = {['Amphitruo'] = 'Amphitryon'}

data['Pliny the Elder'] = {}
	data['Pliny the Elder'].aLink = 'Pliny the Elder'
	data['Pliny the Elder'].year = '23-79'
	data['Pliny the Elder'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}, '#', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref2'}}
	data['Pliny the Elder'].works = {['Naturalis Historia'] = {['wLink'] = 'Natural History (Pliny)', ['rlTitle'] = 'Naturalis Historia', ['year'] = 'c. 77-79', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}
	data['Pliny the Elder'].aliases = {[false] = 'Naturalis Historia'}

data['Pliny the Younger'] = {}
	data['Pliny the Younger'].aLink = 'Pliny the Younger'
	data['Pliny the Younger'].year = '61 - c. 112 AD'
	data['Pliny the Younger'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:Epistularum liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}, ' (Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus)'}
	data['Pliny the Younger'].works = {['Epistulae'] = {['wLink'] = 'Epistulae (Pliny)', ['rlTitle'] = 'Epistularum Libri Decem (Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus)', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}
data['Pomponius Mela'] = {}
	data['Pomponius Mela'].aLink = 'Pomponius Mela'
	data['Pomponius Mela'].year = 'c. 43 AD'
	data['Pomponius Mela'].works = {['De situ orbis libri III'] = {}}
data['Publilius Syrus'] = {}
	data['Publilius Syrus'].aLink = 'Publilius Syrus'
	data['Publilius Syrus'].year = 'c. 50 BC'
	data['Publilius Syrus'].works = {['Sententiae'] = {['wLink'] = 'Sententiae'}}
data['Publius Terentius Afer'] = {}
	data['Publius Terentius Afer'].aLink = 'Terence'
	data['Publius Terentius Afer'].year = 'c. 185-159 BC'
	data['Publius Terentius Afer'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', "/Actus ", {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}}
	data['Publius Terentius Afer'].works = {
		['Phormio'] = {['year'] = 'c. 160 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Phormio (play)'},
		['Eunuchus'] = {['wLink'] = 'Eunuchus'},
		['Adelphoe'] = {['year'] = 'c. 160 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Adelphoe', ['rlTitle'] = 'Adelphoe'},
		['Heauton Timorumenos'] = {['wLink'] = 'Heauton Timorumenos', ['rlTitle'] = 'Heautontimorumenos', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}

data['Quintus Gargilius Martialis'] = {}
	data['Quintus Gargilius Martialis'].aLink = 'Quintus Gargilius Martialis'
	data['Quintus Gargilius Martialis'].year = 'c. 250 AD'
	data['Quintus Gargilius Martialis'].works = {['P. Vegeti Renati Digestorum artis mulomedicinae'] = {['year'] = 'c. 260 AD'}}
data['Quintilian'] = {}
	data['Quintilian'].aLink = 'Quintilian'
	data['Quintilian'].year = 'c. 35-100 AD'
	data['Quintilian'].works = {['Institutio Oratoria'] = {['wLink'] = 'Institutio Oratoria', ['year'] = 'c. 95 AD'}}

data['Sallust'] = {}
	data['Sallust'].aLink = 'Sallust'
	data['Sallust'].year = '86 – c. 35 BC'
	data['Sallust'].works = {['Bellum Catilinae'] = {}}

data['Seneca the Younger'] = {}
	data['Seneca the Younger'].aLink = 'Seneca the Younger'
	data['Seneca the Younger'].year = 'c. 4 BC - 65 AD'
	data['Seneca the Younger'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '#', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}, '.period'}
	data['Seneca the Younger'].rlFormat2 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', ' - Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}}
	data['Seneca the Younger'].works = {['Phaedra'] = {['wLink'] = 'Phaedra (Seneca)', ['year'] = 'c. 54 AD', ['rlTitle'] = 'Phaedra'},
		                                ['De brevitate vitae'] = {['wLink'] = 'De Brevitate Vitae (Seneca)', ['rlTitle'] = 'De brevitate vitae', ['rlFormat'] = 1},
		                                ['Naturales quaestiones'] = {['wLink'] = 'Naturales quaestiones', ['rlTitle'] = 'Quaestiones Naturales', ['year'] = 'c. 65 AD', ['rlFormat'] = 2},
		                                ['Epistulae morales ad Lucilium'] = {['wLink'] = 'Epistulae morales ad Lucilium', ['rlTitle'] = 'Epistulae morales ad Lucilium', ['year'] = 'c. 65 AD', ['rlFormat'] = 2}}
data['Solinus'] = {}
	data['Solinus'].aLink = 'Gaius Julius Solinus'
	data['Solinus'].year = 'c. 250 AD'
	data['Solinus'].works = {['De mirabilibus mundi'] = {}}
data['Suetonius'] = {}
	data['Suetonius'].aLink = 'Suetonius'
	data['Suetonius'].year = 'c. 69-122'
	data['Suetonius'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', 'Vita ', '.ref1', '#', '.ref2'}
	data['Suetonius'].works = {['De vita Caesarum'] = {['year'] = '121', ['rlTitle'] = 'De vita Caesarum libri VIII', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}

data['Statius'] = {}
	data['Statius'].aLink = 'Statius'
	data['Statius'].year = 'c. 45 - 96 AD'
	data['Statius'].works = {['Thebaid'] = {['wLink'] = 'Thebaid (Latin poem)'}}

data['Tacitus'] = {}
	data['Tacitus'].aLink = 'Tacitus'
	data['Tacitus'].year = 'c. 56 - 117 AD'
	data['Tacitus'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '#', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}}
	data['Tacitus'].rlFormat2 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', ' - Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}, '#', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref2'}}
	data['Tacitus'].works = {['Germania'] = {['wLink'] = 'Germania (book)', ['year'] = 'c. 98 AD', ['rlTitle'] = 'De origine et situ Germanorum (Germania)', ['rlFormat'] = 1},
		                     ['Histories'] = {['wLink'] = 'Histories (Tacitus)', ['year'] = 'c. 100–110 AD', ['rlTitle'] = 'Historiae (Tacitus)', ['rlFormat'] = 2}}
data['Tertullian'] = {}
	data['Tertullian'].aLink = 'Tertullian'
	data['Tertullian'].year = 'c. 160 - c. 225 AD'
	data['Tertullian'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '#',  {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}}
	data['Tertullian'].works = {['Apologeticus'] = {['wLink'] = 'Apologeticus', ['rlTitle'] = 'Apologeticus', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}

data['Thomas Burnet'] = {}
	data['Thomas Burnet'].aLink = 'Thomas Burnet'
	data['Thomas Burnet'].year = 'c. 1635 - 1715'
	data['Thomas Burnet'].works = {['Thesaurus medicinae practicae'] = {['year'] = '1698'}}

data['Titus Livius'] = {}
	data['Titus Livius'].aLink = 'Livy'
	data['Titus Livius'].year = '59 BC–AD 17'
	data['Titus Livius'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}, '#', '.ref2'}
	data['Titus Livius'].works = {['Ab urbe condita libri'] = {['year'] = '27–25 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Ab urbe condita libri', ['rlTitle'] = 'Ab Urbe Condita', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}
	data['Titus Livius'].aliases = {['Ab Urbe Condita'] = 'Ab urbe condita libri'}

data['Vegetius'] = {}
	data['Vegetius'].aLink = 'Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus'
	data['Vegetius'].year = 'c. 360-400 AD'
	data['Vegetius'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}}
	data['Vegetius'].works = {['De Re Militari'] = {['wLink'] = 'De Re Militari', ['rlTitle'] = 'Epitoma rei militaris', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}
data['Virgil'] = {}
	data['Virgil'].aLink = 'Virgil'
	data['Virgil'].year = '70–19 BC'
	data['Virgil'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}, '#', {'.roundDown', 5, '.ref2'}}
	data['Virgil'].works = {
		['Aeneid'] = {['year'] ='29–19 BC', ['wLink'] = 'Aeneid', ['rlTitle'] = 'Aeneis', ['rlFormat'] = 1},
		['Georgicon'] = {['year'] = 'c. 37-30 BC', ['rlTitle'] = 'Georgicon', ['wLink'] = 'Georgics', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}

data['Vitruvius'] = {}
	data['Vitruvius'].aLink = 'Vitruvius'
	data['Vitruvius'].year = 'c. 80 - 15 BC'
	data['Vitruvius'].rlFormat1 = {'s:la:', '.rlTitle', '/Liber ', {'.convert', '.numToRoman', '.ref1'}}
	data['Vitruvius'].works = {['De architectura'] = {['year'] = 'c. 15 BC', ['wLink'] = 'De architectura', ['rlTitle'] = 'De architectura', ['rlFormat'] = 1}}
return {['data'] = data}