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Категорија:Термини којима је потребан изворни текст по језику

This category is not defined in Wiktionary's category tree.
Double-check the category name for typos.
Search existing categories to check if this category should be created under a different name (for example, "Fruits" instead of "Fruit").
To add a new category to Wiktionary's category tree, please consult Помоћ:Категорија § How to create a category.

This category is a place to add entries which use only a transliteration of a term, but are missing the term in its native script. Terms can be placed in one of the categories here by using {{rfscript}}. Many templates such as {{l}}, {{term}} or {{t}} already do this when they are missing the term but have been provided with a transliteration, so for these templates you don't need to do anything.


Ова категорија садржи само једну поткатегорију.