Категорија:Енглески риме/ɑː-
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Енглески rhyme indexes beginning with /ɑː/.
The entries in this category are not dictionary entries, but rather indexes of Енглески terms that rhyme in specific ways.
Rhymes stressed on /ɑː/
[уреди]- In some accents, the long vowel sound /ɑː/ is pronounced /æ/, making some words stressed on /æ/ rhymes for words found by following the links on this page.
- In accents that have the father-bother merger, words stressed on /ɒ/ are rhymes for words found by following the links on this page.
Странице у категорији „Енглески риме/ɑː-”
Следеће 4 странице су у овој категорији, од укупно 4.