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Poslednji komentar: Asinis632, 3 years ago u temi Delete
[uredi]User:Asinis632. Hi, is this template deprecated? If so, I suggest turning this into a redirect instead of deleting it. There are approximately 30000 pages using this template so we should proceed with caution. --Minorax (razgovor) 17:33, 27. maj 2021. (CEST)
Please delete all because too much words Molim te obriši sve ovo što sam pripremio za brisanje jer sam dobio kritiku da to što sam radio nije bilo dobro. Otkucao sam 200.000 reči. Hvala na razumevanju. Prevedi na engleski jer ja razmišljam na srpskom. Asinis632 (razgovor) 13:29, 28. maj 2021. (CEST)
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